HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Peiyun Chen

Quick Quotes

Q. Third round at the HSBC Women's World Championship, 2-under today, bogey-free. How did you feel you played out there?

PEIYUN CHEN: I feel I'm doing pretty well today because if I always have pressure, so if I'm under pressure, I don't do very well. Today, I played with Ariya, so she do what she need to do and I really learned a lot. Today I just want to be happy, and every shot commit, and I really did it.

Q. You feel you really did it out there?


Q. And how would you compare today's round to the last few days? You mentioned some rain you got caught in. How did that change how your round is going?

PEIYUN CHEN: Driver is better. Iron is better. Everything is better. Just a lot of putts didn't go in. That's it. I think my greens in regulation is pretty good. So just couple putts, didn't get it.

Q. And what's your mindset going into tomorrow with the fact that you're in the top ten right now? Does that change any thought process you have for tomorrow?

PEIYUN CHEN: Today, I think two par 5s, I should go for it but I didn't do it because I didn't want to have a big number. So if tomorrow I have a chance, I will go for it.

Q. How excited are you for the chance to potentially win?

PEIYUN CHEN: This question I think a lot on the course.

Q. You have thought about it a lot?

PEIYUN CHEN: Yeah, because I really want to win with my first win as soon as possible because I took care of every shot, every swing, everything I need to do.

So like way say today, just very happy to be here and I played well yesterday. If I can do it, I do it. If not, still have a lot of chance, I can go for it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141348-1-1003 2024-03-02 07:20:00 GMT

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