HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Patty Tavatanakit

Quick Quotes

Q. Patty, here after your final round in the HSBC Women's World Championship, much 67, bogey-free back nine. How did it feel out there?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: It felt really good. I'm still recovering from the past two weeks. But overall, game felt really solid today. I feel like ball-striking was kind of back to like my normal self.

Yeah, I hit it close on a lot of holes. I feel like I still didn't make as much putts, but I just hit it close enough.

Q. Earlier this week, you talked about the recovery. Do you feel like you executed well? You mentioned you're still tired. But how are you feeling?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I feel like overall, my focus level is probably at like seven this week. So not just the past two weeks obviously, I feel like I can't really retain ten every week, but honestly I'm just proud of the way I played the past three weeks. So there's a lot of good golf.

Q. Another top ten finish most likely. How exciting to see such good golf early in the season for you?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, it just shows that all work I put in has been working well. I feel like I'm on the right direction towards the things I'm working towards and things I see for myself. Just a lot of positive stuff.

Q. What are you doing next after this? Hopefully a break?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: No. I'm playing in my sponsor event. But then I'll play KB and Arizona.

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141363-1-1003 2024-03-03 05:42:00 GMT

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