HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Sarah Schmelzel

Quick Quotes

Q. Top of the leaderboard right now with your round, how did your game feel?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: It was good, a little shaky at the start, the front nine made some good par saves, three of them scattered over the front nine. It was about good, then just got some putts to go in on my back nine on the front. Everything felt good. Working on some stuff so it's nice to see some hard work pay off. Just keep it going.

Q. Amazing position, what do you tell yourself after making five birdies?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: I think the conditions were pretty tough today. It was windy and the greens were firm and fast. So just getting my feet under me a little bit. Just a little bit of self-confidence knowing that I can make birdies and just kept telling myself that and tried to stay patient. Fortunately I was able to roll in on one when I made the turn and that just opened the floodgates a little bit.

Q. Is this your first time in Singapore?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Third or fourth maybe.

Q. What was the difference in the conditions?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: I think it's way more difficult this year just because it is firmer and faster on the green. Last year we had record rain fall maybe. It's definitely playing a little bit more challenging.

Q. Sole leader heading into the second round. Have you been in this position before?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: No, I haven't. First time for everything, I guess.

Q. Will you change your plans for the next round being in this position?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: No, I don't think so. I mean, there are bigger, more ultimate goals, and this is just like a steppingstone to it, so I'm excited that I can get myself a good first round under my belt and see what happens and just stay patient and be confident.

Q. Do you think the heat affected you?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: I'm from Arizona, so no. I'm used to it being about 110, 115. It's honestly kind of nice. I like it. The ball goes far and don't have to worry about being cold and bundled up, so I kind of like it.

Q. Was there anything different today you did today in terms of routine this morning?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, just been trying to get out of the habit of being so golf swing oriented. It's what I definitely fall back on mentally. So just warmed up on the range and tried to get a feel for what was happening that day rather than trying to make it perfect and then just trying to play with what I had. So just consistently working on that. Today it worked for me out there.

Q. You said you were working on some things. How amazing is it to see this early in the season these numbers that you're producing?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah it was a busy off-season. So it's good. Last week I felt like I saw progress. So it's nice to continue to build this week. Basically a huge plus having the lead in the first rounds. It's nice to know the hard work is working on all the right stuff.

Q. Is there anything in particular you're working on?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Swing stuff, mental stuff. Just trying to refine pretty much everything, which is tough work but it's fun. I love it.

Q. And is that what you meant when you busy in the off-season?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, just trying to refine everything. This is my fifth year, so just trying to get into contention more and trying to compete. Just trying to get a little bit better every day.

Q. The strength of the field, one of the best besides majors. How does it feel to achieve the lead?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: It's one round. I think any of us can play really well on a given day but it's an honour to play in this tournament. You know when you qualify for it, that it's the best of the best in the world come to go play in one spot. So sits just an honour to play here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141298-1-1003 2024-02-29 08:31:00 GMT

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