Meijer LPGA Classic

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Min Lee

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome everyone to our press conference here today with Min Lee. First question, Min, welcome back to Grand Rapids. Different experience this year due to COVID last year. How do you feel about returning?

MIN LEE: I feel great because this tournament has always been one of my favorite. I have a great host family since my first year on the LPGA, and it's been six, seven years that I stay with them.

It was a lot of fun and looking forward for this week.

Q. When did you come and settle in and see them and what was that celebration like?

MIN LEE: Well, because my host family, the dad, his birthday is just couple days ago and then one of the son is couple days after me, so it was like June celebration birthday.

So there was a lot of fun the past few years and then hopefully it will be a good week.

Q. Any birthday cake?

MIN LEE: Oh, yeah, a couple. (Laughter.)

Q. Such a big last couple weeks for you, including a big jump in the Rolex Rankings. How have your goals changed for 2021, if at all?

MIN LEE: It doesn't change at all. My only goal is just to settle down on the LPGA and then try to stay on here as long as I can.

So really doesn't change at all.

Q. How about the Olympics? Has that been a goal? And if so, how would you feel representing Taiwan?

MIN LEE: Being an athlete representing my country and playing in the Olympics has always been in the Bucket List. But, well, obviously just before last week I really didn't thinking about being on the team because I was so far away.

Then now I'm just a lot closer, so hopefully I will stay positive and then be in the position until the end.

Q. I thought it was interesting that you were singing classical music or humming in your head. You said you were a big pianist. Do you still play the piano? How good were you as a kid?

MIN LEE: I do still play when I was at home or if there is piano that I can play, but I don't play as much as guitar right now. I'm not sure about the level of my piano and skill, but definitely I been improving my guitar skill a lot since last year I was home and I took a few lessons.

So I think my guitar play is better now.

Q. Can you tell me about your COVID experience, where you were during the time, how much you were locked down and unable to practice?

MIN LEE: So whole year last year I was home, and obviously in Taiwan it was pretty safe and so we can do pretty much everything that we want.

But I do a lot of physical training and a lot of practice. I didn't take a lot of times off. I just keep practicing, because the last few years I know there is something that I really want to work on, and I just never get a time to working on it because sometimes might mess up my swing or, I mean, the score might not look good.

So last year it was a great year for me just to be focused on what I want to work on and just really working on it.

Q. And what was that?

MIN LEE: It was my short game and my putting, and there is some changes on my swing.

Q. Who's your instructor? Is your instructor in Taiwan?

MIN LEE: Well, my coach is Henry Rice, but during the pandemic I couldn't work with him. There is few guys or men's professional back in Taiwan. We were practicing together and we were talking about what could be better, and then we're just sharing different skills or different kind of shots.

That was a lot of fun practicing with guys because from their point of view it's so much different than women's. So I've learned a lot from different view.

Q. Big part of the this event has always been Meijer's big heart in terms of donating to Meijer Simply Give to support local food pantries and bring communities together. New tradition this year is that the winner, Meijer will donate $25,000 on behalf of this year's champion to a food pantry in her community. How would you feel if automatic win but automatically helping your local community as well?

MIN LEE: It was very nice that -- because I've always been, you know, trying to help somebody or trying to -- I wanted to help, so if I can win this tournament and be able to have that, that would be great.

Q. Last question for you is how do you feel being back at this specific tournament and where does it rank in terms of your favorites?

MIN LEE: I would say maybe top three, because I have great host family and I love this golf course. Being in Michigan feels is good because it's Pure Michigan. It's pure.

Q. What's the name of your host family?

MIN LEE: Mark Fink and Sarah Fink.

Q. F-i-n-k do you think?

MIN LEE: Yes. Can I take a look?

Q. Yes.

MIN LEE: Should be. Sorry. Yes, Fink.

Q. And then Henry, how did you get hooked up with Henry?

MIN LEE: So couple -- well, just before I get on to the tour I was training with ANNIKA Academy and then that's how I met him and we get together. We're still working together even though he's not there anymore.

Q. Wait, I got to go back to the ANNIKA Academy for a second. How did you end up there and was Annika a big inspiration of yours?

MIN LEE: Definitely. She was -- she's the legend. Just before I came to the states me and my manager were thinking about where should we train, and obviously Annika is a big name and then she was being very successful and Henry was there, so that has been my first option.

Then I just came here.

Q. What year was that?

MIN LEE: What year? 2013 my first time come to academy and training with them.

Q. You mentioned piano, guitar. What else is on the Bucket List of musical items that you want to learn?

MIN LEE: Suddenly I don't know. Maybe electronic guitar now. Because I want to have a band, but one-person band maybe. My goal is I can create my songs.

Q. All by yourself?

MIN LEE: All by myself.

Q. You moved up to No. 126 in the Rolex Rankings, so you would be in the Olympics right now. How much momentum did your first Top 10 on the LPGA Tour provide you for the next two weeks before the Olympics field is finalized and how can you use that to make sure you cement your spot in Japan?

MIN LEE: I mean, after the Rolex Rankings come out and I knew that I be able to join the team I was very happy. But still two weeks away, and I think I just try to focus on my game and just play the best I can to see how it's going to happen.

I can't control how they play, so just play my best. Hopefully that will happen.

THE MODERATOR: Thanks, Min, and luck in Pure Michigan.

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