Meijer LPGA Classic

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Hannah Green

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Good afternoon everybody. Welcome to the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give outdoor media center.

We are joined by the one, the only, Hannah Green. Hannah, thanks so much for joining us today.

HANNAH GREEN: Thanks for having me.

Q. Back at an event -- we're going to on saying this the rest of the year I feel like, but obviously weren't here last year because of the pandemic. What's it like to be back in Grand Rapids, Michigan?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it's really nice. The weather is great. Was a little chilly this morning, but coming from San Francisco didn't feel too bad. Yeah, looking forward to a really good week. Golf course is changed since we were last here, so it's going to be quite interesting to see what the scoring is like.

Q. How has it changed from your vantage point, and is it more challenging?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, there is definitely some bunkers that are going to be in play and they're quite penalizing, actually have to just hit a wedge out versus being able to hit on to the greens. I think I've got to be careful with run-outs this week.

Yeah, it'll look good. Obviously the greens are really nice. I'm hoping they quicken up a little bit because I feel like San Francisco was really quick so everyone is probably not quite used to that.

But they're rolling really nice, so that always helps. Yeah, don't really know what the scoring will be like because it's been so low. Obviously Brooke and Su and everyone went really low in 2019, so hopefully it's like that again this year.

Q. I don't know how many media know this, but you're playing this week, next week, and then you're going back to Australia until the Olympic Games in August. Su was saying earlier that -- she said, If you're watching this, don't leave me. So she's heartbroken. We we're all heartbroken. Obviously Su mentioned some the restrictions in Australia and I'm sure you haven't seen family in a long time. Take us through the decision to head home, get some rest, get some practice in, and just enjoy being back in Australia?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, obviously Australia is doing really well with COVID so it's great. When I do go back to Australia it's a normal life. I don't have to worry about wearing masks or really social distance because we don't even have any COVID.

But for that reason, we have to do two weeks in a hotel quarantine, so that's why I've decided to take five events off. Unfortunately I won't be playing Evian, but it is a tough decision. I don't think I would cope very well if I decided to stay out here until CME in November. I have been on the road since March which is still a long time.

So, yeah, I'm super excited to get back to Australia, see my family, see my coaches, and, yeah, return for Olympics. I think that's a pretty cool way to start the back half of my season.

After Olympics we've obviously got British Open and stuff like that. So it's going to be a very hectic restart, but, yeah, I think I'll be nice and recharged being at home and sleeping in my own bed.

Q. When you're not playing a tournament, I probably should know this, but where do you hang out in America?

HANNAH GREEN: So I go to Orlando, Florida. Golf Australia has a house they rent there. It's pretty much for people like me that don't have a place or don't want to rent a place and barely be there.

So there is a couple from Australia that live there full time with their three year old daughter, so it's a really nice atmosphere. There are about seven beds, so you're never really stuck for a place.

Yeah, it's the closest place for me that feels like home. There are a couple Korn Ferry players from Australia this also live there. There are a bunch of Aussies. It's really good and come in really handy because of COVID-19.

Q. I guess so. When you took a long break at the start of the year you came back having made some significant changes, added some length. What do you think you'll focus on in the next long break?

HANNAH GREEN: I think we're obviously still trying to chase the same goals. I know that when I haven't seen my coach in a long time I go back into my tendencies and that kind of restricts me on how hard I can hit the ball.

I want to make sure that obviously I'm fit and healthy for the rest of my career, so that's the number one goal. I think it'll be nice to have the two weeks in the hotel to relax and then be able to go back into training like I was in the off-season and pick up that speed again.

Q. Do you have things you know you'll do in the hotel for two weeks?

HANNAH GREEN: So I'm actually doing my hotel quarantine in Sydney. Last time I did mine in Perth, which was where I live, so I was able to have family and friends come bring things. I might be a little bit more limited.

I'm thinking I might have to bring a few puzzles myself, but I'll just be watching Netflix, films, TV series to kill my time.

But, yeah, hopefully it's not as painful as last time because that was hard.

Q. What point in the year did you realize you were going to take this break?

HANNAH GREEN: So I guess my decision only really was made five weeks ago. I wasn't really sure whether I should return to Australia after British Open, but then with possibly Asia not happening I just wanted to make sure I didn't have too long of a break in the off season, or like during the season.

I hate missing Evian. Obviously it's a great major championship and they have bumped up the purse, so it is quite a big sting to not be playing. But I have to do what's best for me. I just hope that next year I don't have to worry about missing so many events in order to go home and recharge.

Q. Who did you talk with to make this decision?

HANNAH GREEN: I talked with my entire team. Right after Asia we had a Zoom call with my coach, my physio, my trainer, another coach in Adelaide, and even my caddie Nate, and we were just seeing when would be the best time to take time off.

It was either take five weeks off after KPMG or take about seven weeks off after British. I feel like I'm ready to go home. Obviously really excited for this week and next week, but it's slowly taking its toll on me mentally. I'm starting to get a bit homesick.

Very excited that three and a half weeks I'm I'll be in my own bed.

Q. What do you miss the most about home?

HANNAH GREEN: Not living out of a suitcase. I think everyone would agree on that. It's not much fun. Only having the same rotation of cloths isn't that great.

I obviously miss friends and family, but I still think it wouldn't be the same if they were to come over and see me. I still would like to return to Perth.

Q. And talking about the golf, over the last 20 years, 18 of the last 20 years have had a multi-time winner by this point. It's been all different winners so far this year. Why do you think that's the case?

HANNAH GREEN: Just shows the caliber of golf that we're all playing. I don't know if the stats back it up, but I would say the scoring is a lot lower than it has been. Yeah, there are so many talented girls coming out and a lot of young girls coming out and winning.

So I don't know, this is my I guess fourth year on tour, but I think it's nice that I have some experience with playing these golf courses. So, yeah, I'm hoping for a good one this week and come out on top.

Q. And you won twice in a six- or seven-event stretch in 2019. How difficult is it to win in such a tight window multiple times?

HANNAH GREEN: It is hard. I mean, even last week Min played really well and I don't think she was upset because she just got outplayed. That's how golf works. Sometimes it's your day and sometimes it's not.

I think you just got to be patient and obviously put yourself up there as much as possible, but sometimes there is more factors than you can control.

Q. Two more if I could real quick. Knowing Yuka Saso as you do, what do you think yesterday with Rory meant to her?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, that's so awesome. You know, seeing that just goes show how good a person Rory is. And even to see Phil react the way he did seeing Yuka with her trophy, I think we need a little bit more of that, a relationship with PGA TOUR players.

We're both on same exact level so I don't see why there wouldn't be that type of interaction. Yeah, I'm sure she didn't get much sleep the night before going there. She probably was more nervous to meet Rory than making that putt to win. Yeah, good on her for going there.

Q. After you won a major title yourself, what do you remember about coming down off the cloud and regrouping?

HANNAH GREEN: You know, it took a long time to come off from the cloud. I guess I was lucky that I got on a plane straightaway to go back to Australia and had all my loved ones to celebrate with.

I guess the attention definitely was on me and I had never experienced that, so it was quite hard to get off the cloud. But soon as I came back out on tour I guess it was just more motivating to put myself in that position, so kind of helped me through the stretch.

I returned for Evian and had a good result again. So, yeah, it is hard to come off, but I guess have to do it and you got to move on and try and win again.

THE MODERATOR: Looking ahead to like you said, three and a half weeks and being in your own bed, how do you stay as present as possible between the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give and next week, an event that means a lot to you obviously on the calendar? How do you make sure those events are at the forefront of your mind before getting back home?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I wanted to book my flight a lot later so I wasn't counting down the days until flying, but I bought the last seat on the plane so it was kind of hard for me not to book it.

It is easy to get excited and caught up in going home and forget why I'm playing the next two events. This week I haven't done as much prep as I probably would just because I was quite tired from the last few weeks, so kind of taking it a little bit easier.

Yeah, next week as soon as I get there and see past champion name and parking lot and stuff like that, I think I'll be really motivated to try and get that again in '21.

It is going to be a tough task, but I'm ready for it.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Hannah. Thank you everyone for joining, and best of luck this week.

HANNAH GREEN: Thank you.

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