Meijer LPGA Classic

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Maria Fassi

Quick Quotes

Q. Where were you when you heard that you were going to go in KPMG?

MARIA FASSI: Well, I actually wrote an email and like a letter to Sean Quill requesting an invite. I mean, I talked with Suzy Whaley like if she could do something. I talked to Stacy as her being sponsored by KPMG if like she could put in a word.

So I talked to everybody to see if they could help in any way to get a good word for me and I could get the exemption. Stacy actually texted me and she was like, Hey, you should be expecting a good call sometime soon. And within an hour or so I got an email, and, I mean, I couldn't stop beaming for the rest of afternoon.

I think it's such a cool tournament. I think it's one of my favorites, and I'm just very happy I get to play it again this year.

Q. How many times would this be?

MARIA FASSI: The third.

Q. Third KPMG event?


Q. Have you ever played the Atlanta Athletic Club? Are you looking forward to going?

MARIA FASSI: I did. I played it early in the year around April with a member who's a friend of mine. I love the course. I think back then it was in great shape, and I know it's going to be in even better shape when we go next week.

I'm excited. I think it's an amazing test of golf. You have to hit it great. Hitting it long helps. So I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I get to stay with my friend and his wife and it's going to be fun in that regard as well, so I'm excited.

Q. The last couple weeks what have you been doing to prepare?

MARIA FASSI: Well, just coming back from the knee injury and I hadn't really walked 18 holes until the weekend before San Francisco, so I'm still kind of a little bit fresh on that. Just trying to make sure that I do all the things I need to do for my knee to stay healthy.

Golf-wise I've had time to work on my short game and putting a lot because of the knee injury, and I think before I know it it's going to pay off, and I'm excited to be able to play next week and test to see how my game is going.

Q. Last question, I promise. Of all the majors, which one would you want to win?

MARIA FASSI: I always say the U.S. Open because hasn't been a Mexican that's won an USGA event both men or the women, but then when I turned pro and got to experience KPMG I think KPMG is -- it's been the hardest of all the majors. I think they treat us amazing and I think they make it be my favorite major, so I think I would have to change and say KPMG.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108812-1-1041 2021-06-16 19:00:00 GMT

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