Meijer LPGA Classic

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Gabi Ruffels

Quick Quotes

Q. Well, Gabi, first of all, congratulations on getting into KPMG. When did you find out and how was that experience?

GABI RUFFELS: Yeah, so I found out a couple days ago. One of the tournament organizers sent me an email and I got an email from the LPGA with the entry form for the KPMG.

So it was two emails, and I got it like three hours late after my practice round on Monday I'm pretty sure. I was so excited. I was in the car with my coach Grant my mom and I was like, Oh, my God, you wouldn't believe it. I just got into KPMG.

It was cool. I texted my manager straightaway because I know they had been working on that. So, yeah as you can tell, I'm pretty excited.

Q. What are you most looking forward to playing in that event?

GABI RUFFELS: Yeah, I mean, I've heard the course is amazing, Atlanta Athletic Club. So looking forward to that. Looking forward to playing in another major, which is awesome. As a pro I played the ANA this year, missed out on U.S. Open, but, yeah, always just trying to play against the best in the world. I feel like you learn a lot, so I am excited for that.

Q. A lot of players say that KPMG is one of their favorite majors because the course venue and everything is pretty much perfect. How does that make you feel about KPMG, too?

GABI RUFFELS: Yeah, I'm excited. I've never played in KPMG. I'm pretty sure as an amateur in 2020 I played in all the other majors, so I've never played in that one. Really looking forward to it.

Q. Last question is how are you going to prepare for next week?

GABI RUFFELS: I'm playing this event, so I feel like there is no better preparation than playing an LPGA event before next week's major. So not really anything different. Just trying to play as best as I can this week and hopefully have good preparation for next.

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108814-1-1041 2021-06-16 19:07:00 GMT

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