Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Su Oh

Quick Quotes

Q. What a great round here.

SU OH: Thank you.

Q. Six birdies. How do you feel after your first great round?

SU OH: Yeah, I mean, kind of it's always good to get myself up there, not too far behind. There were lots of birdies out there. It was such a nice day. Got super lucky with the weather.

I mean, I played solid. I played the par-5s well as you need to here, and hit a couple close ones and just one surprise birdie. Holed a long putt on the par 3. That was a bit of a surprise.

But, yeah, I played well out there, which was good.

Q. How long was that putt on 3?

SU OH: Probably like 45, 50 feet, yeah.

Q. Would you say that putting was really strong today then?

SU OH: Yeah, I mean, I holed a few like good short ones at the start, like five-footers for par at the start.

So once you miss a couple of them it's not good, so it was good that I holed the short ones and kind of got my round going on the back nine.

Q. You mentioned there were a lot of birdies out there. What do you think helped make that happen? The pin locations or just the conditions?

SU OH: No, I think if you get your drive in the right spots then you can kind of definitely kind of go at it a little bit more.

But I found the greens to be a little bit on the firm side, so the first few I was hitting it a little bit long. Once I kind of got used to the conditions a little bit it was a little bit easier to judge.

Q. Last question, promise. You mentioned that your host family could go out and watch you today.

SU OH: Yeah.

Q. Was she there sheering you on?

SU OH: Yeah, she was, because Hannah is staying as well, so she was watching me and then jumped across to see Hannah. She really want to watch Juli Inkster, so going out to watch Juli.

Q. What's her first name?

SU OH: Donna, Donna Macklin, yeah.

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108837-1-1041 2021-06-17 16:31:00 GMT

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