Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Charley Hull

Quick Quotes

Q. Joined by Charley Hull, a 7-under 65. You had birdies on 14 and 18 today. Let's start with the first on one 14. Take us through the hole, how you played it, and what went down.

CHARLEY HULL: Eagles you mean.

Q. Yeah.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I eagled 14 and I hit good drive and hit like a little draw-y 4-iron into the green and holed like a 35-, 40-foot putt, and then 18 didn't quite catch the drive. Haven't been hitting my driver well today.

I hit a drive down there, 7-iron into I think like 10, 15 feet and hole it.

Q. Just as far as momentum for tomorrow since they were on your back nine.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I feel good. I feel really good with my irons. It's just my driver. As long as I can get is somewhere down near the fairway I've got a chance because I'm hitting my irons well.

Been working hard on my game the last few weeks before the U.S. Open. Didn't quite come together then, but I need to sort my driver out. Like I said, I'm hitting my irons well, so going to go grab some food and move to the range and work on it.

Q. You mentioned the nice weather and how much different it is than the Bay Area the last two weeks.


Q. How much can that be a contributing factor to scoring?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it's really good. It's nice to be in some warm weather in shorts and T-shirt. I get a bit stiff when it's cold, especially with the fog the last two weeks. It's nice to be out and playing especially with fans. It feels a bit more like normal life now.

Q. You mentioned you're not really sorted out with your driver but you still shot a minus 7. If you do figure out that driver in the next few days, how good can you do?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I feel like I will get a lot more opportunities because I feel like my irons are really good. I just need to just hit a few more fairways and then I'll be good.

But, yeah, I'm going to suss it out and work hard on it this afternoon.

Q. And then obviously this is the first day. You had practice and this is the first day in competition of this new course. I don't know if you played the course before. But did you notice any difference?

CHARLEY HULL: I don't actually remember because we played it last time in I think it was 2015, so this is my first time back since then. I can't really remember if it has changed or not. I just remember like vaguely bits.

So, yeah, I like it. I think it's great. I like how they've got the rough around the greens a bit more. I think it's good.

Q. You mentioned the weather today. Expected rain tomorrow morning, softer out there, a little bit more sluggish. How important was it have this start knowing it's going to be a little bit different tomorrow?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it's good. Hopefully it gets a delay and then I can watch the England I think Scotland football tomorrow. It's a Euro.

So, yeah, no, I think it's good to get a good score going, especially when it's bad weather coming in had. But it's very scorable golf course so I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. You going to have your caddie feeding the scores of the footie game?

CHARLEY HULL: I hope so, yeah.

Q. How big of a football fan is Charley Hull?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it's always good when England is playing. It's a lot of fun. Pubs at home are a lot of fun. I wish I was at home in a pub, but I'm happy with my 7-under so I'll stay out here.

Q. Is it almost beneficial to your game not remembering the course and having it new?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, sometimes it's good to have like a fresh start because you're probably remembering all the things on the greens that aren't there no more, so it's just nice to remember it how it is now.

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108839-1-1041 2021-06-17 17:07:00 GMT

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