Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. You've played here before and you know that this course is pretty scorable. Is that a good enough start to make a run?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I mean, I think so. Honestly, I stayed really patient because I didn't really get anything going until I made birdie on 6, then birdied 8, and then the hole-out on 9, obviously that makes your momentum change significantly.

But, yeah, scores are low out here, so plenty of birdie opportunities if you drive it in the fairway. So, yeah.

Q. You have any numbers on a daily basis based on the conditions you're trying to reach, or not really?

ALLY EWING: Not really. I still think it falls into hole by hole, shot by shot kind of basis. If you start putting scores in your head I think you can get frustrated. Like we saw today, my two birdies and eagle came in four holes, so they can come together, they can come spread out.

So, yeah.

Q. Take us through the eagle, the hole it was and just how it went down.

ALLY EWING: It was actually hole 9. I drove it in the left rough and I had 172 to the pin, and our intentions were just to fly something to like the front edge and get it to release.

Came out online and solid struck from the rough. I stopped watching it and then we heard some cheers. Yeah, it went in.

Q. That's pretty fun.


Q. I'm sure you know we've got this event and the following event to make a run into the top 15.


Q. How big is that in the back of your mind?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I mean, it's there. It's definitely not a fixation or anything, but hopefully just solid golf is all you can do, all you can ask for.

So, yeah, I'll just try to put some good rounds together and see where it puts me.

Q. What would it mean to you to represent the stars and stripes on the Olympics team?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, any time you get a chances to wear your country's colors, the flag, represent, it's an honor. I think it's something that you just can't take for granted because it's such a privilege to represent.

So any time I get the opportunity, whether it's Olympics or Solheim, I'm going to be stoked and excited to do it.

Q. Uh-huh. And obviously Solheim is kind of your tier, what, 1A?


Q. Only four can make the Olympic team at most.


Q. Is Solheim just as good from a golf standpoint, competitor's standpoint to make that team?

ALLY EWING: I think for me, like there is so much history behind Solheim, so like the Olympics is new since we didn't have it until 2016. So Solheim is something that you think about as a little girl.

But Olympics, obviously the opportunity has come up in the last several years to play it as a golfer. So I think the history for Solheim is different for Olympics, but obviously an Olympic medal is so rare.

So very different in my opinion. But like you said, like representing your country is just one of a kind experience, whether it's Olympics or Solheim.

Q. How good is it to hear cheers and see some big crowds?

ALLY EWING: Oh, it's great. I mean, it's good to see that the numbers are going down so that we can have crowds out here.

To hear cheers -- because, I mean, you get to some golf courses and you can't see like the hole. You don't know how close it is. The reaction before you get up there, Oh, that was a good shot, to hear the crowds clapping, it's a good, nice settling feeling walking up to the green knowing it's a good shot.

Q. Kind of forgot what that felt like.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, exactly.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108844-1-1041 2021-06-17 18:15:00 GMT

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