Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Min Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Min, a 6-under performance in round one of the Meijer LPGA Classic, that includes eight birdies and a bogey-free front nine. Take us through just the strong start, something you've been used to lately.

MIN LEE: I mean, I played this course couple times before this and so I kind of know this course a little bit, but the first few holes I still adjusting the green speed because it's so much different compared to last week.

So there is few at the front, at the beginning I didn't get a chance to make it, but it starts to rolls since after couple holes, so I think my putting has been pretty good and also my iron shots.

So that's give me a lot of birdies.

Q. Yeah, I watched on I think it was 14. Your tee shot was into the water. You're 8-under at one point and then just kind of slowed down a little bit. How frustrating is it to kind of leave shots out there?

MIN LEE: Yeah, I mean, definitely it's little frustrating, but didn't really bother me because this is golf and you're going to make some bogeys and you're going to make some birdies.

So it's still early, only the first round, so I'm not really asking too much.

Q. 8-under through 13. At that point do you have a number in your head? Are you thinking 59?

MIN LEE: The only number I'm thinking about is how far I hit this shot. So I don't really thinking about breaking any -- mine record or anybody's record, I mean, course record. Just play my game and try to play the best I can.

Q. How do you find that zone of not worrying about the score, reminding yourself it's just golf, not getting too high or low on yourself?

MIN LEE: Still same thing. Playing the music in my head just make me not thinking about a lot of things that I don't need to, so that's the key thing for me.

Q. What did you think about the course today with the renovations and the galleries out there following you guys around?

MIN LEE: Well, after the renovation there is a lot of changes, especially rerouting the 18 holes, so that plays a little different for me today compared to past few years.

But I think there is some good changes over there, and then you really have to be focused your tee shots now. You can't just cut the corner.

And then with the fans following us today, it was a lot of fun because, I mean, my host family is here and then their friend are here cheering for me, too. Making a birdie they are just screaming, and I was very happy that I can have that with me.

Q. Min, last week you talked about having some classical music tunes in between shots if you're not talking to your caddie. What were the songs today?

MIN LEE: It's still the same song. It was the same song since Pure Silk. I don't know why. I just keep playing that song in my head. Just never goes away.

Q. Have you figured out what the name of it is?

MIN LEE: I can't pronounce it. It's French. But the tempo is like -- I don't know how to explain it, but it's very simple piano song.

Q. Did you figure out the composer?

MIN LEE: Not yet.

Q. Not yet. Tomorrow?

MIN LEE: Tomorrow, yes.

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108845-2-1041 2021-06-17 18:33:00 GMT

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