Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 18, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ashleigh Buhai

Quick Quotes

Q. Ashleigh, great two rounds here at Meijer. How does it feel to be back?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: Yeah, obviously I love this tournament. It's probably one of my favorite of the year. The host family I have here is just amazing, so almost always makes it great.

And then, yeah, always just love playing this golf course, and obviously it's playing really soft so the birdies were out there.

Q. Like you said, you seem to be really liking the course even with the new conditions.


Q. How does the course play to your game?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: I think it plays well to my game. I think it makes you think a little bit more off the tee. Bunkers are a little bit more in play, but I drive the ball pretty straight and I work it both way when I need to.

Other than that, on the eye the layout is the same. So you just got to hit it in the fairway and work it in from there.

Q. Would you saw you like the back nine a little bit more? Yesterday I think you three birdies; today you saw four birdies there.

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: Yeah I think it's a little more scoring opportunities. My front nine today, which was my back, the wind picked up, got a little gusty, so made it a little tougher to get them close.

Q. What was the goal coming into this week ahead of next week, a major?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: I feel like I'm starting to trend again in the right direction. I played nicely last week at MEDIHEAL; just didn't finish well.

I feel my swing is where it needs to be. It's just more about internal, believing it in. Had a good talk with my coach. The goal this week was to try to play with intent and back myself, and I feel I've done that well the last two days.

Q. Last one. We have to ask about the Olympics, because as of right now it's still happening.


Q. What was your favorite memory of the Olympics?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: I think just staying in the village and getting to rub shoulders with all different athletes. It's such an amazing experience to see how hard they work and they train four years, now five years, for one shot.

I always say with golf we're lucky. It's fantastic that we get to be part of the Olympics, but we're lucky we get to play for money just about every week and do this as a living.

I thought it was awesome watching how everybody else trains and the intensity. Golf is a lot more laid back and slower pace.

Q. Are you looking forward to it?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: Of course. Obviously it's going to be different. We can't go see other events, we're going to be in a bubble. We all know the drive to the course is going to be a long way. You get to represent your country, so what more could you ask for?

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108886-1-1041 2021-06-18 18:05:00 GMT

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