Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 18, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Sarah Schmelzel

Quick Quotes

Q. Sarah, great two days here at Meijer. First of all, how does it feel tab back?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Really good. Feels great to be back at Meijer. Great first week back with full fans and everything. It's really fun to see some more grandstands and people filling them up. A little bit of a buzz out there, so it's really fun.

I'm excited for how the first 36 holes went and I'm excited for the next 36.

Q. Where would you say Meijer ranks in terms your favorites events?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Oh, it's way up there because the fans are always incredible. They're really engaged, supportive when you're out there. There is always a ton of them. So I feel like it's fitting that this is the first event back where we're allowed to have fans or where we can have fans again, because they're so great to us.

So it's way up there. Everyone loves coming back to Meijer, so I'm excited to be back.

Q. How about the course conditions? I hear they changed a lot since 2019. How would you say that those conditions play to your game?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, definitely. I think if you're in the fairway you're going to have a ton of birdie opportunities. They're still a little firm right now so if you're in the rough you're going to have a little bit harder time and have to think you're way around it.

I really like what they've -- the changes that they have made and everything. I think it makes it really exciting for all of us to have so many birdie opportunities and everything out there.

Q. Last question is what would you say are some of your goals heading into the next two days?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: I think just to enjoy it obviously. Been playing great and just going to try and stay within myself and stick to the game plan and soak it all in.

At the end of the day, this is living the dream, so I'm just going to try and remember that the whole way through no matter what happens.

Q. Have you been working on anything in particular before this event?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Just kind of enjoying a little bit more. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself, so just trying to soak in the little things, take the little wins every day, and just be happy at the end of the day to be able to be out here playing.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108889-1-1041 2021-06-18 18:34:00 GMT

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