Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 18, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lizette Salas

Quick Quotes

Q. Lizette, 6-under 66 on day two of the Meijer LPGA Classic. Take us through the solid round and especially the string of three straight birdies on the front.

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, I really like this golf course. I think it suits my game really well. Got off to a solid start even though putts weren't dropping. Yesterday this poana really got to me. I was getting really frustrated.

But knowing that I'm the earlier rounds today I was staying positive and confident on my putting, and got to a pretty hot streak on 6, 7, 8, birdie, birdie, birdie, and just kind of really kept that momentum going on to the back side.

Had a little oopsy swing on the back side there, but was able to recover on the following hole, and just really stayed aggressive and stayed positive and just kind of rolling with that momentum from the U.S. Open.

This wind tends to swirl a bit, and just stayed committed to each shot.

Q. You mentioned just kind of enjoying this course. From years past, obviously it's changed with the renovations.


Q. How different is it from your eye?

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, I mean, it's definitely different. I think we need to -- even though the fairways seem wider these fairway bunkers do creep in. That's where you have to stay committed on your line off the tee.

I been fortunate to have a solid game off the tee, not to have a lot of spray balls everywhere, but still need to stay confident and aggressive, especially on the par-5s.

I think -- I feel like if you par a par-5 you're losing shots, so really got to stay aggressive.

Q. I know that you mentioned that you have played here before. You like it here. You've been in contention down the stretch.


Q. Having that knowledge of what it takes to finish here, how do you think that will help you in the next two rounds?

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, I hope it's going to help me coming down on the weekend and maintaining that aggressiveness, especially on the par par-5s. Knowing that I can scramble and still be okay I think is a good mentality.

And it's a solid field. Anyone can go deep. I think just staying patient is obviously key for me. You want to get off to a hot start, but you got to maintain that patience and just stick to your game plan.

Q. I know the weather is going to change here today. Nothing you can do about that. You played your round in the conditions you could.


Q. Things are going to dry out. The course might speed up a little bit. Do you think that changes the mentality going into round three? Do you just keep playing your game?

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, I definitely try to stay within my game plan, and if I could just keep it in the fairway and rolling those putts solid, my confidence level will rise. We could be in contention on the weekend. Just trying to keep it boring for myself. Just hit fairways and greens and commit to each shot. With this wind and the fairways rolling out and the greens getting firmer it could get tough, so patience is key.

I think performing well the at U.S. Open was a good test for me in building up that confidence coming in.

Q. You mentioned being aggressive, and I know a few women have already mentioned that they've been able to be a bit more aggressive because the rain dampened out and made the greens last fast. Have you noticed that as well?

LIZETTE SALAS: Yeah, definitely. I think being in this morning wave with the rain we were able to be more aggressive, especially with wedge shots. Just kind of get us more in tune with our shot shaping and things like that.

So I think we -- I think I got a good wave this time playing late morning, so I think playing -- being in contention you have to have that lucky draw of tee times. Fortunate to play well these first two days, and hoping to keep it going.

Q. How much different do you think the golf course will play tomorrow with it drying out?

LIZETTE SALAS: Oh, it's going to play tremendously different. I think it's going to play similar to how it was yesterday. Having that thought process in my head knowing that I'm able to score in those conditions as well and knowing this golf course and even though they have renovated it, I'm still able to make shots and make some putts.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108897-1-1041 2021-06-18 19:35:00 GMT

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