Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 18, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Sarah Burnham

Quick Quotes

Q. (In progress.) ... Stacy's husband as your caddie.

SARAH BURNHAM: This year, but in the past he's caddied a couple times just like one event here and there. But, yeah, he's been on full time this year.

Q. What is it about him that maybe helps out?

SARAH BURNHAM: He actually knows the game really well, which is great. He just has a good personality. I really like having him on the bag.

Q. For today, how do you think you hit them out there?

SARAH BURNHAM: It wasn't the best day, but overall it was pretty windy so I'm happy. I finished with two birdies, so I scored okay, yeah.

Q. Especially with that last one you had there, how can that help you for tomorrow? Assuming you make the cut.

SARAH BURNHAM: Yeah, it just gives me confidence going into the weekend, so hopefully I can hit some more shots like that. So I hit it to three feet on the last hole. Yeah, hopefully I can continue that.

Q. I saw Stacy out here. I know you probably haven't talked to her much today. Seeing her out here supporting you, what does that mean to you knowing she's here and has your back?

SARAH BURNHAM: Oh, it means a lot. I know Coach Stacy always has my back no matter what, and it's just great to have her support. I know one of the players, Valerie, is playing out here today, and I think she's doing quite well. I hope she finishes well and she can play this weekend, too.

Q. I heard when I was following you for a little bit I heard a lot of, Go green chants. How does that help comfort you a little bit knowing that so many people are supporting you because you used to play in Michigan?

SARAH BURNHAM: It means a lot. I love it. It just brings me back to when I was in college. It's just really fun to have those fans out there.

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108901-1-1041 2021-06-18 19:52:00 GMT

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