Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 18, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Perrine Delacour

Quick Quotes

Q. Perrine, what a great second round here at Meijer. First of all, how does it feel to be back here?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Really good. I love the course. They had few changes. I haven't been there for like the past three years so it was already just the changing from 1 to 10 and everything.

But the course is awesome, great shape. It's nice. Plus we have some fans so that's really good?

Q. Yeah, speaking of those fans, how does that add to your to your momentum?

PERRINE DELACOUR: It's actually nice because now when you hit a good shot you're like you hear clapping, where before you're like, I know I hit a good shot but let's see where is it.

I like it. It brings me like good momentum.

Q. Everybody was two hours delayed today. Did that affect you mentally or physically?

PERRINE DELACOUR: No. More rest. No, I wake up at 7:20 and I heard the thunder and I'm like, Mmmm, I think we're going to have delayed, and then I look at my phone and I was like, two hours, perfect, I go back to sleep.

So I went back to sleep and take it easy, watch a little bit of U.S. Open, watch some girls in the morning, and take it easy.

I'm finish before 7:00 which is good time for dinner, shower, and again tomorrow.

Q. Yeah. And tomorrow we're doing a little bit earlier tee times. Do you prefer mornings or afternoon or does it matter?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Doesn't matter. I think it's going to be hot over the weekend, so better if we play in the morning so we don't have that much heat.

But doesn't matter. I'm just going to try my best over the weekend and see how I feel.

Q. What was your goal come into this week?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Just get better. I been struggling a little bit this season. My game is good, but not the result that I wanted to.

So just keep what I'm doing and trusting even more over the week.

Q. Last question: How confident do you feel now going into next week?

PERRINE DELACOUR: Pretty confident, yeah. Of course it's nice to make the cut over like next week for the major. It brings a lot of confidence. I know next week is a new start. In golf every week it's starting on Thursday, so it's going to be a new week next week and it's going to be of course even more challenging. Major week, the course is not the same setup and everything. It's going to be challenging, but I'm looking forward.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108920-1-1041 2021-06-18 22:57:00 GMT

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