Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 18, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Su Oh

Quick Quotes

Q. Su, bogey-free 7-under par 65 performance on day two of the Meijer LPGA Classic. Su, you had a pretty masterful performance out there. How did you get it done without any bogeys on the scorecard?

SU OH: I hit a lot of greens. I think I only missed one or two. Then I actually holed a bomb on 2 I think, like 60 feet. I was like, Oh, here comes a bogey, but it went in to my surprise. So that was really nice.

Other than that, no hiccups or anything. I guess the last one I had a six-footer to make par. That was about it. But it was tap-in pars, which is lovely, yeah.

Q. A lot of players when you go to certain courses, what do they say, different horses for different courses, but you seem to really have your eye -- this course suits your eye. Why is that, if you can take us into your mindset when you get out here and seem to always find a good rhythm and result come the end of the weekend?

SU OH: I don't know. I think it's just been quite nice to me. I hope it stays that way on the weekend. I like a lot other courses, too. This isn't the only golf course that I like.

But I think, I mean, they moved couple tee boxes up and the par-5s are kind of gettable. I think I just set myself up in the right places to give myself good chances, I guess, yeah.

Q. We talked earlier this week. You kind of came in trying to find your game a little bit. How badly did you need this round I guess for your own psyche to get back on track playing the golf I'm sure you want to play?

SU OH: Yeah, I mean, it wasn't that different really. I hit a lot -- I mean, I did hit a lot of greens, but I think I holed more putts than maybe a few weeks ago. If you hole -- once you start holing 20-footers you get on a roll a little bit; whereas if I hit it to like six feet twice and miss them both it's kind of like really just -- there is no momentum.

So I think I just kind of rode the momentum well the last couple days, I guess.

Q. This morning the competitors were talking about how long the course felt after the rain.

SU OH: Right.

Q. How much of an advantage did you have or maybe compare and contrast going later in the day, course dries out a little bit?

SU OH: I watched the coverage a little bit this morning. I don't know if it was that much longer. I'm not the longest player out here so those girls must think it's really short.

But, I mean, even on Tuesday I thought it was longer than all the other years we played, so kind of thought it was going to be longer. Maybe that's why I didn't really think that it was playing that much longer.

Yeah, maybe a little bit of an advantage. There is also girls playing at 4:00. I would rather be playing at 10:00 and get it done by 3:00 than teeing off at 4:00 and trying to run in 18 holes.

Q. You mention the 20-footer got the momentum going. At that point did you feel like you couldn't miss?

SU OH: No, definitely not. I mean, it was a surprise that it went in, but I was just like, I just want to lag it up there so I don't have to work for my bogey. I just want a tap-in bogey. Those things -- I guess I got lucky. Those things are definitely luck involved in a little bit of that.

But, no, there is still 36 holes to go, so I'm hoping everything sort of falls my way.

Q. Tee times being moved up tomorrow with potential rain midday.

SU OH: Oh, really? Yeah.

Q. How does that a quick turnaround alter your game plan, if at all?

SU OH: I don't know. Like probably not much because I wasn't really going to practice today anyway because I was out there and it was really hot. I kept getting some ice from the esky, but it was pretty hot out there. I wasn't interested to stay around longer. I think I'll just go back and chill and maybe watch a bit of the men's golf.

Q. Good motivation.

SU OH: Yeah, I think it's pretty tough out there, so it's kind of good to watch.

Q. And then obviously this is a course a lot of the women are going to score pretty low. You went 4-under on the back nine. Just how pleased are you to score such a low score today and carry the momentum into the last 36 holes?

SU OH: Yeah, trying to do the same thing really. I didn't really get too -- trying too hard out there. Just kind of kept my cool. I think that was quite good.

Yeah, I guess just have to kind of hit one shot and then the next shot and see how it turns out. Yeah, just kind of keep it going. Maybe the quick turnaround is not such a bad idea. Get the third round out of the way.

Q. You like getting things out of the way.

SU OH: I know. I just want to like get it done. I know. I'm not really too fussed. I don't want think too much.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108922-1-1041 2021-06-18 23:18:00 GMT

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