Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jiwon Jeon

Quick Quotes

Q. Great round. How do you feel? How frustrated are you? One of the lowest rounds today, minus-6, and the horn blew at nine holes.

JIWON JEON: So, I mean, I was just kind of in the good momentum going through the 9th hole, which is my 18th hole. Well, I was just trying to keep it patient like as long as possible. I was kind of in the zone, you know, can see the line like pretty good.

And then I was just like in the flow going really well, and then finish the 18th hole, and I actually tee'd off 1st hole at the turn, but as soon as I hit a ball it was just -- horn just blew.

I mean, it's just kind of hard to keep the momentum, but I will just try get rest and have good food in the middle of the round and have some fun.

I think it's can be really good for me because I was getting -- can be little anxious going into my second nine holes. But, you know, just keep it simple as possible and just feels like just playing like a new round going out when I go out and then finish strong. That's what I want to do.

Q. And stay positive?

JIWON JEON: Stay positive for sure.

Q. What was your goal coming into the week?

JIWON JEON: Well, into the week I just wanted to make as many putt possible because I haven't been putt that well for last few tournaments. That's why I was missing so many cuts.

So this one I knew that my shots were pretty good, so I was just trying to keep that, and then just if I have chance, just trying to make it and just focus on the target. That's all I was focusing on.

And that just kind of leading into the weekend it worked well so far. So, yeah, I will just keep continued to that.

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108954-1-1041 2021-06-19 16:35:00 GMT

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