Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lauren Stephenson

Quick Quotes

Q. Started with the bogey and then turned it around.


Q. How did you turn it around, and what was the key to shooting 5-under today?

LAUREN STEPHENSON: Well, had an 8 yesterday, so couldn't have gone much worse on the first hole. I think if I could go back and be even par on No. 1 I would being leading this week, so that's kind of unfortunate, because it's really not this hard of a hole.

Yeah, I don't know. I feel like I know I'm playing well so there is no reason to get too upset about a bogey. Just missed my drive left and unfortunately couldn't get up and down. Not much you could do. I think the rest of the way I don't think I missed a green, so overall hit it well.

I actually I missed a lot of putts I felt like. Could have been a lot lower. But I'm excited for tomorrow. Feel like I can put up another good number tomorrow, hopefully 7 or 8 maybe, be even better.

Q. I was going to say, how important, first off, was a day like today just to rebound? I mean, shooting even is not bad unless you're playing Blythefield Country Club then it can hold you back.

LAUREN STEPHENSON: Well yesterday I consider my round 4-under par if you take away the first hole. So I felt like it was a good day besides whatever happened on the first hole.

Yeah, I mean, I feel like this course is super gettable obviously with the scores, and then it sets up really well for me. I know if I play good golf I can shoot 5- to 7-under easily. That's obviously the goal.

Q. Obviously leaders have a few holes remaining on the back. Will you look at it and put a number in your head as to give chase, or is it just see what your game is feeling like and roll with that?

LAUREN STEPHENSON: Yeah, I feel like not really think about the lead too much or whatever is happening. This course is so low, the leader could go shoot 9-under tomorrow and it not even matter. So doesn't really matter. Just kind of make sure I'm having a good round every day and just doing what I can do to be up at the top.

Q. Will there be some just checking out of the swing tomorrow just to make sure it's all ready for major week?

LAUREN STEPHENSON: Yeah, actually I kind of did that beginning of the this week. I wasn't hitting it well like coming into this week, so talked with my coach a little bit.

But it's felt great this week, so I was really happy with how that's going for next week. And then my coach will be there next week as well.

Q. Perfect.


Q. Who's your coach?


Q. Where is he based out of?

LAUREN STEPHENSON: He's a Hilton Head at Sea Pines.

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108955-1-1041 2021-06-19 17:31:00 GMT

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