Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Georgia Hall

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey-free for you. So when you can throw a bogey-free round out here and not hinder yourself by having a bogey, I would imagine that makes it just kind of that much more gratifying to climb the leaderboard. Seems like bogeys are out there.


Q. To avoid it is a good thing.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, I mean, definitely good conditions as in like no wind today. Yeah, we had spots of rain, but I managed to play very steady today and hole my fair share of putts.

So I'm very happy with today's round, and obviously if you can keep bogeys off the card, all the better.

Q. To put yourself in contention -- you're only one shot back of the leaders right now; that might change a little bit. I think they're through 11 or 12.


Q. So when you can score low, how important is it to be within that two-, three-shot mark.

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, it's very important. I don't know how I'll end up at the end of the day, but I think I'll still be in distance, which will be good.

You never know around this course, but I've given myself the best chance for tomorrow. My goal every tournament is to be in contention, so hopefully I will be.

Q. How eager is Georgia Hall to find the winner's circle again?

GEORGIA HALL: Very. I mean, obviously it feels amazing for every player and we all want to win. But I'm playing well this week and confident for tomorrow and it's a lovely golf course, great condition, so I look forward to it.

Q. You're one of the few -- I've got to look at the top of the leaderboard again -- but you'd be one of the players who is a major champion who would win this event in particular.


Q. Three of previous five winners were major champions before they won here, and then the other two went on to win major championships. What does what say about this course, maybe this tournament, having so much of the field that could be within five, six, still have a chance going into tomorrow, but players like that can seal the deal?

GEORGIA HALL: Yeah, this golf course always brings out the best players, and it's a very strong field this week and that course is mostly about approach shots and putting and really committing to every shot.

Today I really did well. I think that's why, like you say, major champions do win around here. So, yeah, I think it will be a good test tomorrow. See what happens.

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108956-1-1041 2021-06-19 17:39:00 GMT

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