Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Madelene Sagstrom

Quick Quotes

Q. Madelene Sagstrom, got off to a hot start here today, four birdies in your first five holes. What was key to the quick start?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I been hitting the ball quite well all week, giving myself chances, and I really just got the putter going. Kind of grew and grew and grew, and I was like, Okay, let's keep going.

Q. Speaking of trying to keep it going, unfortunately we had a weather delay in the middle of the round. How did that affect your play today?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: It affected a little bit. We didn't get to warm after, so it was kind of how do you get back into the momentum as quick as possible.

So I was just trying to like change up a few plays off the tee, put myself in play, and build up that momentum again and not losing anything.

Q. Let's start with the four straight from numbers 2 through 5 to really get going. How critical was that to kind of get yourself going and continue to make a run and climb the leaderboard?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I mean, we know this course is playing soft and easy, so we know we have to make birdies out here. Obviously starting off with birdies it's just nice to get the momentum going and knowing you have it in the book today.

I made some putts and I also hit it close. It was a nice mix. I wasn't relying on anything particularly. I knew I could make birdies from pretty much everywhere, so it was nice.

Q. When you can eliminate bogeys like you did today...


Q. And you see all the birdies flying around, how critical is it to find rounds with no bogeys, keep the mistakes to a minimum?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Bogeys, I've always been able to do a lot of birdies, but I tend to put a few too many other colors in there. I think it's critical, because here when you make a bogey you lose against the field.

The more steady you can stay and keep making pars and, then knowing you're going to roll a few in, I mean, you're gain stay up there, in there.

Q. You mentioned the weather delay was a little blip in the momentum. When you can walk off 18 with a birdie into the final round and you're in contention, I would imagine kind of the feel of that momentum might be coming back.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Absolutely. I finished my -- I had eight holes left to play after we stopped and I was 2-under on those eight, so I can't really complain.

I played well. I wish I would've -- wanted to continue to go obviously, but it was a bit too dark.

No, it's just nice. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and hope for more birdies and avoid the bogeys.

Q. Did the course play a little different with the rain, the moisture today?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Not really. They have done a great job with drainage, because I know it's been an issue here before. Even after yesterday morning I been quite surprised how well it's been draining. The greens do get a bit spongy, but less people on the course today, so hopefully that should be better for tomorrow, too.

Q. When you have to give chase tomorrow on a course like this, easier said than done, I would imagine.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Of course. I'm just going to go out and do what I'm doing, hoping for birdies, and then if it's my day, it's my day. Give myself a chance really. That's what I been trying to do all week. Just giving myself chances.

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108968-1-1041 2021-06-19 19:13:00 GMT

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