Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. Leona, 2-under 70 on day three at Meijer LPGA Classic. What was going right? What wasn't going right today?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I played pretty well from tee to green felt like. Gave myself a lot of chances. Just didn't hole any putts today at all. Couldn't really get it going.

Yeah, I mean, you have to hole putts around here to make some birdies. I didn't really do that. Didn't take advantage of the par-5s enough either. So a little bit of a frustrating day, but still hung in there.

Q. Weather delay come at a good time to kind of regroup and head back out on the course refreshed and energized to attack it?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah. I mean, I don't think it really affected me much either way. Made things play a little longer definitely when we went back out. Ball wasn't traveling. Got a little colder there for a little bit first few holes back out.

Yeah, I mean, it was a little bit of a long day and things weren't going my way, but tried to give myself as many chances as I could.

Q. Have you been in a final group on a Sunday yet?

LEONA MAGUIRE: I don't think so.

Q. What's this next 24 hours or 12 hours going to be like? Do you think you'll sleep tonight?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I mean, I think I'll sleep fine. Do some work on my putting now, maybe hit a few balls, get some good dinner tonight, and go back tomorrow and try and go low again.

Q. How exciting is it to be in this position? You put yourself here with three great days.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, this is what you practice for. I been playing really nice golf as of late and working really hard, so it's nice to see it paying off and giving myself a chance on Sunday, which is where you want to be.

Q. Were you scoreboard watching at all? Did you see the move Korda was making?

LEONA MAGUIRE: No. I didn't look at a board all day. I had no idea.

Q. Will you look at it tomorrow?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Probably not. Well, I guess I'll be playing with her so I'll know what she's doing. No, I'm not big at looking at boards. If I see one, I see one. If I don't, not a big deal.

Kind of you know someone is going low. It doesn't really matter who it is. I'll just have to try and do the same.

Q. Is it easy to focus like that, just on your shot and nothing else?

LEONA MAGUIRE: I mean, I think you have to out here. I think you can't get too distracted in what everybody else is doing. You can't control what they're doing.

Yeah, golf is hard enough without worrying what other people are doing.

Q. Obviously you mentioned you don't scoreboard watch. I'm sure you've seen performances like Nelly's in the past. When someone is on fire, what can you do to catch them or are you focused on yourself?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I had eight birdies and an eagle yesterday, so, I mean, just trying to go and do that again tomorrow. It's out there. Everybody knows the score's out there.

So like I said, hit a lot of fairways, greens, try and hole some putts and shoot a number and put some pressure on her.

Q. Kind of to that note, too, is there a particular number that comes to mind for you that you might have to go out and get? We all know this course is really gettable. Is there a number that sticks out in your mind that you might have to shoot to catch up to Korda?

LEONA MAGUIRE: No, no. I mean, I'll try to get off to a fast a start as I possibly can and see where we're at. I mean, going to be well into the 20s. I think we know that.

What exactly it's going to be will depend a little bit on the pins and the conditions tomorrow. But, yeah, ultimately trying to go as low as I possibly can tomorrow.

Q. How much fun has this week been for so you far?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, it's been great. Some of my lowest rounds I've ever shot. Playing some great golf, so been a fun three days. Hopefully I can finish it off on a high note tomorrow.

Q. Yesterday you said you can't protect a lead out here. Didn't protect the lead, but are we all asking these questions and today was a strategic day to give a race up the leaderboard?

LEONA MAGUIRE: No. I mean, I would've liked to shot 10-under today, too. Yeah, I mean, just one of those -- I didn't hole the putts, make the birdies that I needed to make. Just go again tomorrow.

Q. Do you feel like you can play a little more free on this course tomorrow with having kind of that mentality of what you said yesterday and being in the position you are?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I mean, all the pressure is on Nelly. Everybody expects Nelly to win tomorrow. She's ranked whatever she is in the world, Top 5. Nobody expects me to do anything tomorrow. I've really got nothing to lose. I can just go out and play golf and see what happens.

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108971-1-1041 2021-06-19 20:00:00 GMT

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