Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Mina Harigae

Quick Quotes

Q. Mina, one round left. How are you feeling going into tomorrow?

MINA HARIGAE: I feel really good. I really like how I'm swinging it and rolling my putts out here. Just got to get the back nine a little bit better tomorrow.

Q. There was some rain today.


Q. Caused a delay. What did you do during that delay?

MINA HARIGAE: I ate. I ate a little bit. Luckily didn't eat too much because it was a shorter break than I thought. Yeah, just relaxing in the corner, and, yeah.

Q. So it was kind of a brief rain delay. How does that momentum and the stop and then go again?

MINA HARIGAE: It wasn't terrible. I don't know if it was like better or not to not warmup. But my first shot was a 3-wood from the fairway, so that's not the easiest shot. It was fine.

Q. And the last question is: I think last time I interviewed you it was CME and you started the momentum. Since then your season has been wonderful. Is there anything that you credit your good rounds to, do you think?

MINA HARIGAE: Definitely my caddie and fiancé, Travis. He always puts me in a good mindset, and when things are kind of not going great, he's able to kind of snap me out of it.

But having him on the bag, especially going to different courses every week, he helps me with my short game a lot, telling me like the different kinds of grass, the lies. So I think that's helped me a ton last couple weeks.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108973-1-1041 2021-06-19 20:05:00 GMT

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