Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. 7-under final round is pretty solid. 18-under is pretty dang good.


Q. Take us through I think you had six birdies. Start with the birdies. Any one of those in particular really get you going for the day?

ALLY EWING: No. You know, I started out kind of just not really hot. I made a birdie on the third hole and then made bogey on 6, three-putt.

And got to hole 8 and just kind of -- really have to take advantage of the par-5s out here. We have five of them, and I got a birdie there. And then made the turn and everything started clicking and I started making putts and hitting really good approach shots.

So I wouldn't say one really stuck out, but I gave myself a ton of opportunities today. I think I only missed one green and it was by like two feet. I could still putt it from off the fringe. So lots of good shots and birdie looks.

Q. You had an eagle as well.


Q. On No. 14.


Q. Take us through that hole and tee-to-green what happened, how did you get it, and how exciting was that?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I hit driver in the middle of the fairway and I had about -- I think it was 183 to the pin, and I ended up hitting like kind of a high cut 4-hybrid because the pin was on the front right, just kind of getting it a little bit past the hole, and then I rolled in a 20-footer.

I mean, so obviously par-5s, this is still -- if you can get an eagle putt, much less get it to roll in. So, yeah, when I had a good look I just tried to put a good stroke on it and hopefully make it, and then it went in, yeah.

Q. Game feeling good heading into a major?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, really excited. Obviously kind of closer to home which is exciting for me. My parents are coming. I played the golf course back in March. It was wet and rainy, which we might be seeing some of that this coming week.

So, yeah, it's a great golf course. It's going to be a major championship test. I certainly get excited for those types of tests. Game is feeling good, so try to give it a run out there.

Q. I'm sure your eyes are a little bit on rankings. Obviously tomorrow and if you can get inside the top 15 and what Jessica will do obviously next week, I would imagine I stick to your own game plan, but is there extra excitement knowing you have a good week and some other pieces fall in place you could be going to Japan?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think it's just one day at a time, one shot at a time kind of thing. Golf is very different than a lot of sports. It's so much about controlling your mind and not letting it get ahead or even let it stay behind. If it's a bad week, you don't want to stick on that.

Yeah, certainly just one day at a time and try to execute my game plan, execute shots on a daily basis, and then I feel like I feel good enough about my game where if I do, that I'm going to give myself a lot of opportunities to play well week in and week out.

So next week it'll be the same. We'll get a game plan by Thursday and just try to go play the golf course and not other people and let everything just take care of how it's going to take care.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109023-1-1041 2021-06-20 18:51:00 GMT

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