Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Anna Nordqvist

Quick Quotes

Q. Great four days here at Meijer. How much of a confidence boost is it going into KPMG?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, well you don't shoot a 20-under every week, so definitely a great day today. I had nine birdies. Been rolling the putter really well this week which is first time in a long time, so very excited about that.

Left a few short ones out there today, but overall just very proud of myself. We knew it was going to be low scores this week, and just a lot of progress in my game. I been working really hard, so it's nice to see a little bit of payback for it.

Q. Speaking of being proud of yourself, were you working on anything in particular ahead of this week?

ANNA NORDQVIST: No. I think this year in general just hasn't been as consistent as I wanted it to, so just been working on basically really everything just trying to find little more consistency.

And I felt like my ball striking just got better as the week went on, so overall a really good week.

Q. And after great weeks like this are you thinking at all about the Olympics and Solheim?

ANNA NORDQVIST: No. I mean, you can -- I feel like if I'm not pretty much a lock for Olympics, but I know I'm in a good spot and there is one more week.

If one of the other girls wins next week and beats me, great for them. But we got a busy stretch coming so up, so right now really focused on my own game and just trying to get better every day. That's where I feel like my focus has been the last couple weeks.

Q. What are you going to be thinking now going into KPMG? Focus on KPMG now?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah. I'm going to be playing a lot of golf next, what, 10 weeks, so trying to take it one week at a time, not looking too far ahead. I'll head to Atlanta tonight and hopefully get a little bit of practice in tomorrow afternoon.

But just really taking it day by day.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109027-1-1041 2021-06-20 19:41:00 GMT

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