Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Anna Nordqvist

Press Conference

Q. Here with Anna Nordqvist, 7-under 65. Went on a run from 13 to 18. Had a birdie on 11, but just went on a tear there at the end. What was the mindset switch, shift as you saw the finish line?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I mean, I had a good finish. I played good all day. I really did. Hit the ball great. Got impatient a little bit around the turn because I had so many opportunities and just didn't go in. I felt like I hit good putts and would just miss high or just miss low.

Yeah, I birdied 14 from like ten feet.

Hit it to four feet on 15.

I probably had eight-footer on 16 that I didn't make.

But hit it to two feet on 17.

And then almost made my eagle putt on 18. That was a short one as well.

Overall, I played really solid. I feel like held it together pretty good, especially when I get impatient. Great start, and very happy with my ball striking today.

Q. What's been key for you with that ball striking? You've had some really low scores this year, but I feel like it's taken a little bit to go this deep. What was the mindset shift? What was working so well?

ANNA NORDQVIST: It's just been consistent over the last couple weeks. I missed one fairway and one green today, so that's certainly helped to be in position.

But overall, I mean, really only hit one bad shot today, so if you're never too far away I don't feel like you can get yourself in trouble.

But consistency has always been one of my keys, and I think I get in trouble when I get a little bit out of consistency.

But been working hard and I feel like I'm doing a lot of good things right now.

Q. When the field is making as many birdies as they are, do you like the mindset where you're keeping the pedal down?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, like I said, I felt like I played solid on the front nine and didn't really hole anything; lipped out from eagle from like ten feet on hole No. 8.

So just small things.

Hit a great shot into 10; just missed it.

Great shot into 12; just missed it.

I think certainly having a few of those birdies, tap-in birdies, are going to help you.

Overall, yeah, you definitely need to make birdies. I think that a little bit of rain overnight made it a little bit softer, because I feel like this course has been playing a little bit tougher this year than previous years because it's a little bit longer.

You're definitely going to have to hit good shots, and being in fairway out here is a good key.

Q. Talk about the uptick in your ball striking. Was that something you saw at Pine Needles?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, Pine Needles was good. You know, I knew you had to be disciplined there and just hit yourself in the middle of the greens. I hit a lot of fairways, a lot of greens that week, and I don't think I had a three-putt all weeks on those greens, which was awesome. My speed control was really good.

Yeah, I think when my game is on I try to limit my mistakes and try to put myself in good positions, and I feel like that's what I've been doing.

Q. And keys out here at Blythfield, doesn't look like there is a lot of teeth in this golf course. I heard it's pretty soft today. Will your game plan change at all as it firms up the next couple days?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I feel like today we just had to adjust a little bit because it was a little bit firmer yesterday. I don't think we expect anymore rain for the week.

Yeah, it just all depends on some of the pins, and you definitely got to hit good shots and good putts to score. Even if it might not show it, I feel like there is still a lot of tough holes out there.

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121757-1-1041 2022-06-16 17:11:00 GMT

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