Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lilia Vu

Press Conference

Q. Here with Lilia Vu coming off her first round at the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give. Just tell me some the highlights of your round today.

LILIA VU: I got off to a slow start today, just waiting for birdie chances to come by. I think on the front nine I didn't convert a couple birdies. I was a little frustrated going into the back nine.

Then I just started just having fun, just letting the golf game come to me and not forcing anything. That's when the birdies came in the last couple holes. So just allowing for the birdies to come, I guess.

Q. What are some of the challenges of this golf course that you found today?

LILIA VU: Some of the challenges? I think for me, it's been reading the greens. They're kind of subtle. Sometimes I see a lot of break and it's not that much; sometimes I see nothing and then it breaks.

So I think just working on green reading a little more. I think that's what I'm going to do after -- I mean, I'm done, so I'm going to do that after I eat.

Q. You said when you started to have fun the birdies started falling. Does your caddie say anything to you or do you realize, okay, I need to just relax a little? What's that process of forcing yourself to have fun?

LILIA VU: I think I was just kind of nervous coming into this week. I think I felt a little uneasy with my game. I realized, okay, you have what it takes. Let's just have some fun.

I just started talking more to my playing competitors and just asked about them. I just naturally relaxed after that and just started playing better.

Q. Why have you been feeling uneasy? I feel like this is some of your best stretch of golf on the tour.

LILIA VU: Yeah, I think I was just kind of exhausted from the U.S. Open and I didn't -- probably one week off for me wasn't enough.

I was excited to come out here because I heard what a great event it is, and then here and then next week is going to be KPMG, so I'm excited for that.

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121759-1-1041 2022-06-16 17:24:00 GMT

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