Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Bianca Pagdanganan

Press Conference

Q. Here with Bianca Pagdanganan after her first round at the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give. Can you just tell me what some of the highlights of the round were today.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: You know, I have to think about it, because sometimes when I have a really good round I don't realize all the good shots I hit. I just kind of keep the momentum going.

I feel like I made a lot of good saves, especially I think I made two really good saves for par. I made a lot of birdies that weren't really close.

I really am trying to think of highlights.

I was able to take advantage of the par-5s, get there in two. So it's hard for me to think of anything that stood out from today's round. I felt my game fine. Just hit a lot of good fairways and greens and give myself good opportunity to make birdie.

Q. Does that happen to you often, like you remember the bad stuff, but then when you're playing good you have no recollection of it?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I feel like -- maybe a little bit, but sometimes it's also like the people around me are -- okay, my dad sometimes asks me after a bad hole, okay. What happened on this hole? I'm just like, I don't really want to remember that, but of course you have to assess the good and the bad, because you really want to work towards getting better.

I think those are the only things you can really do.

Q. Setting yourself up near the top of the leaderboard on the first day, does that affect your play throughout the round? Does make you more confident or maybe nervous or pressure?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I mean, not really. I think I just felt good about my game today, which is nice. I haven't felt this confident in a while.

But I try not think of that. Like everyone says, you kind of take everything shot by shot, which is what I really tried to focus on. I try to talk to my caddie to help me stay present.

We don't talk a lot of golf stuff until we get to the ball. All those other factors, I don't try to focus on that. I just deal with whatever is...

Q. You said your confidence has been good. This has been a really good stretch of golf for you recently. How are you feeling about that?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: It feels good seeing my game headed towards the right direction.

I worked pretty hard on a lot of other parts of my game, so just makes me excited and look forward to playing tournaments.

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