Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lexi Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lexi Thompson. 3-under, 69. Really solid score on a day like today. Just how challenging was that wind?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it was definitely challenging. I think it got up to probably gusts of 25 at some point. It was just a matter of taking advantage of the holes that were downwind.

I know midway through the front nine I was like, can we turn around and start going the other way in the good wind? But it was a matter of staying patient and really committing to your lines on those crosswind holes.

Q. You're a player that likes to take it one shot at a time, but I'm sure it can get pretty frustrating out there trying to switch with the wind and guess clubs out there. How do you stay patient in conditions like these?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it's a different mindset, especially when it's that windy. There was obviously some really low scores out there in the morning. It was definitely gettable. It's still soft, so you can fire at some pins and take advantage of the shorter par-5s out there.

But, yeah, you just have to stay in the moment, really commit to your lines that aren't necessarily at the pin, because with this wind you have to play 10 to 12 yards left or right sometimes.

Q. What were some of your highlights personally out there today?

LEXI THOMPSON: Some of my highlights, probably I guess maybe my two birdies in a row on my second nine. I made about two 20-footers, and those always feel good, especially when you have a good crowd out there supporting.

Q. Talk about putting in the wind. I don't think people understand just how much gusts like that affect the golf ball. How tricky was that out there?

LEXI THOMPSON: Oh, 100%. I don't think anybody realizes how much wind affects the putt, especially those crosswinds. You have to play a whole extra ball or two sometimes when it gets to gusts of 25.

It's a matter of factoring in the actual read and factoring in the wind, so few extra thoughts, but that's golf.

Q. How do you conserve your energy when all of that is going on in your head?

LEXI THOMPSON: It's tough, but it's important, because -- I obviously have allergies right now; I don't sound like my normal self. It's all about conserving energy.

Today is a little bit more of a mental strain than others, but still scores are out there. Just take it, go into the weekend with a positive attitude, and really build off the last two days.

Q. Four back heading into the weekend, place that you've done well at before. How much confidence are you taking with you knowing that there is low numbers out there?

LEXI THOMPSON: I'm just really looking forward to the weekend honestly. I played good the last two days, and just really building off that going into the weekend.

I've had plenty of good rounds out here, so hopefully get a lot of people out here to support us and throw out some low ones.

Q. What's the excitement of being right in the middle of the mix on a weekend? You got some big names up there. Got good support out here.


Q. What's it like for you to be right in that mix?

LEXI THOMPSON: I think as a top athlete you always want to be in the mix of things, always want to be at the top of the leaderboard or whatever it is in other sports.

Just knowing that your hard work pays off, I think that's always the best feeling. To be here in Michigan, I love coming to Michigan. Just having the support of fans and the little kids out here, this tournament is top notch hospitality-wise.

I'm always happy to come back, and hopefully we get the most people out here that we have this weekend, and hopefully I play well.

Q. And you I'm sure play in plenty of wind back home. When you're like this, do you enjoy the challenge of creating shots and hitting different type shots?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, that's a good question. I grew up playing in the wind. Florida, yes, it's hot, but it blows in Florida. It's usually average of 15, and so I'm kind of used to it.

But, yeah, there is definitely more shots, a lot more thought process to each and every shot, which is good. It's always a challenge, and I think that's how you have to look at each and every day, as a challenge.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121837-1-1041 2022-06-17 22:24:00 GMT

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