Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Haru Nomura

Quick Quotes

Q. So you are the third 7-under 65 we've had today. Solid round out there. What changed in the conditions of the golf course that helped you go low today?

HARU NOMURA: Yeah, golf course a little bit greens fast, better than yesterday, so my putting is hot today.

So that's why I played solid round today.

Q. What were some of your, do you feel like, your best shots out there today? Was it some of your putts?

HARU NOMURA: Yes, putter is very hot today, yeah.

Q. When you're playing at a golf course like this, really this week you said your putter got hot, but is your ball striking helping you this week?

HARU NOMURA: Yeah, my second shot distance is good, but sometimes tee shot a little bit bad sometimes.

But my second shot distance perfect this week, so I will keeping tomorrow, too.

Q. As you head into tomorrow, you've kind of put yourself in the mix. Obviously the leaders still have yet to play. You're right on the top of the leaderboard. How good does a round feel when you were so far down to start? How proud are you of your effort to get yourself in the mix?


Q. Yeah.

HARU NOMURA: Just I'm focused on my playing today, and then I trust myself just I can do it.

Yeah, so that's why.

Q. Is that something you always feel like that, or is that something you really have to work on having that confidence?

HARU NOMURA: I'm trying this year that mind, so...

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