Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jessica Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jess Korda, keeping it consistent out here an Meijer LPGA Classic. 3-under 69. How do you feel about that third round?

JESSICA KORDA: You know, definitely a little bit frustrated today because it felt like it was definitely a little bit more gettable with less wind, but it was very inconsistent wind, so that made it really tough.

And I feel like they slowed the greens down. I couldn't get the ball to the hole the first couple holes, which is weird because my speed has been really, really good.

So I know it's not me. (Laughter.)

Yeah, other than that, obviously I don't think I'm anywhere near position, but at the same time, I'm trying to put some rounds under my belt after being injured and out for so long.

So one foot in front of the other.

Q. This kind of consistency, like you said, being injured and out so long, how much is that gratifying to see these good consistent numbers and play?

JESSICA KORDA: Yeah, it's awesome. I feel really comfortable on the golf course and obviously I know where to miss, which is really important out here.

Giving myself opportunities even though I may have come up short a couple times today. Still pretty easygoing, and still all there, so that's good.

Q. And heading into tomorrow, like you said, probably a little too far back at this point, but still potential for a Top 5. What are you looking for from yourself tomorrow?

JESSICA KORDA: Consistency, kind of the same thing I've been trying to do the last couple days, and we'll see.

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