Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lexi Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Lexi Thompson. 4-under 68 here on moving day. Clean card, four birdies. What was going so well for you?

LEXI THOMPSON: I think overall just the consistency of my ball striking. Made a few good putts as well. Got on a role on my second nine out there and just felt comfortable I guess.

Fans were amazing, so hearing them cheer me on is always a good feeling. So just being nice and relaxed out there and having a good time.

Q. You're in contention a lot this season heading into Sunday rounds. It's been a minute since you had a win, but how do you manage the expectations and keep yourself calm heading into contention on Sunday?

LEXI THOMPSON: Honestly, not think about it, not think about the stretch of whatever that I haven't won.

It really doesn't matter to me. I'm going into every event wanting to win. Expectations, that really gets you nowhere when you put expectations on yourself.

I just want to come out here -- I hope that a lot people come out and support and I just go out, play a nice, free, relaxed round and have a good time. I try my best. That's all I can do.

Q. What does that look like for you, free and relaxed? Are you going to try to be a little bit more aggressive, or just stick with the same game plan?

LEXI THOMPSON: I play this golf course pretty aggressively. Hit a lot of drivers, take a lot of corners on. So probably not play any more aggressively, except maybe fire at a few more pins. All depends on pin locations too.

Play the same way I have been and maybe roll a few putts.

Q. You mentioned consistency in your ball striking. Even when that doesn't pay off on 17, you went a little left out of the fairway, but you were able to save par there. How important is that to be able to, when it doesn't go your way off the tee to be able to scramble and not get a bogey on your card?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it's very important. I mean, I hit two left drives at the end there. Unfortunate, but you have to scramble because you're not going to have your A game ball striking-wise each and every shot or every day for that matter.

It's matter of just staying patient and going into the next shot with a positive attitude knowing you can pull it off and get your par and get off the hole.

Q. I know you're two or three shots off the lead depending on what happens in the final group. What's your mentality going into the last day? Are you someone who is going to scoreboard watch, or are you just kind of taking one shot at a time and doing your thing?

LEXI THOMPSON: One shot at a time. I honestly haven't looked at leaderboard in a while out on the golf course. I just want to go out there and play my own game, control my emotions, and that's all I can do.

I don't want to focus on anybody else. I know they're going to play great so I have to play great with them.

Q. What's hit differently for you this season? Like I said, you've been playing some really solid golf; you obviously work your butt off. You talk about that every week. Mentally maybe what's changed for you this season?

LEXI THOMPSON: Besides, yes, putting in the hours of practice and everything, putting in the hours in the gym, mentally realizing golf doesn't define who I am.

I've had my wins, had my good scores out here, so just coming out and letting my game show, playing more freely and knowing that I put in the hard work and whatever happens, you know, it's not the end of the world.

Q. With all the fives out here, is it a good place to chase, with all the par-5s?


Q. Is it a good place to be chasing?

LEXI THOMPSON: I mean, I guess. The leaders are going to birdie them too, so really doesn't matter.

Like I said, I mean, you have to just play this golf course and realize that you have to make a lot of birdies. You have to come out here firing.

Q. I just want to know what sort of going into each day, like do you set a goal for yourself before each round? Do you meet those goals? What was your goal today?

LEXI THOMPSON: My goal today was just, I mean, taking one shot at a time. And playing obviously good golf coming into the day, that's always my goal.

Just to come out and be relaxed and play freely, because I know when I do that I play my best golf.

Q. Can you explain what play freely means to me?

LEXI THOMPSON: Just committing to my lines out there, doing my pre-shot routine, and feeling relaxed on the shots.

Yeah, maybe a little tentative on some. Hard not to. But just committing to my process and that's all I can do.

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121868-1-1041 2022-06-18 22:45:00 GMT

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