Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Nelly Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Nelly Korda coming off her finish at the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give. Let's talk about all the good stuff first. How happy are you that you fought back, got into the playoff, and just with the round today?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I had a bit of an iffy round today. On the front nine, on the par-5 on No. 4 is I think where I made my first bogey.

Then made one on 9.

Can't really do that out here. You have to capitalize on those par-5s. I fought my way back on the back nine and snuck into the playoff.

Unfortunately sometimes you have it and sometimes you don't. If you told me I think three, four months ago when I was in the ER that I would be here I would being extremely happy.

Q. I want to talk about the support out there today. Lots of fans, great tournament. Your sister here and your friends here supporting. How great does that feel that they're all here supporting you?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, for sure it always feels nice. Just to be in Grand Rapids, the fans are amazing and it's a cherry on top to have my sister and all my friends here as well.

Q. And being a past champion, you won in a playoff last year, correct?


Q. Okay, you won last year.


Q. What kind of memories came back from last year going into the round today?

NELLY KORDA: Probably the final stretch. I really enjoyed -- I really enjoy this golf course honestly. It's so much fun to play.

Yeah, I don't think I've missed a year. Probably just the atmosphere of this event, that's what I missed and kind of brought back a lot of memories.

Q. And finally, we'll talk about the playoff a little bit. Do you like being in playoffs? Are you a good playoff person? I know you've played Solheim before. How do you like the match play-playoff format personally?

NELLY KORDA: I think I'm two for four, so 50%. I enjoy them. That means you're in contention, you got your way into the playoff, and you're playing for a title.

It's always good to be in a playoff. Yeah, the adrenaline definitely kicks in during them and I think it's fun and it's why I enjoy playing competitive golf so much.

Q. Last question from me: After you saw the tee shot went into the rough, made a good recovery, got on the green, what was the thought process after that and through the rest of that hole?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I leaked it out right, which was my miss today. I just wasn't sure if it was behind the tree. I didn't really know the positioning, so I was just hoping that I would have somewhat of a clear shot. I did; it wasn't bad.

Yeah, I just kind of tugged that shot in the rough, which happens. The rough sometimes closes the face or it opens it, so it's kind of like a 50/50 usually in the rough.

Yeah, my lag putting was not the greatest this week. I think I had like six three-putts throughout the entire week, so it's something that I can work on and improve and hopefully it's better into next week.

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121899-1-1041 2022-06-19 22:49:00 GMT

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