Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jennifer Kupcho

Golf Channel

Q. Jennifer, what a roller coaster of a day for you. Coming off your second LPGA Tour victory. What a sweet moment for you doing it here at a place you've been close in the past.

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, it's really special. I've been really close, but, I mean, this leaderboard was stacked. I think that's what I'm most proud of, is players that were up there with me. It was a very close battle to the end and I'm proud of it.

Q. What's that tell you about yourself as a player knowing you can win at Chevron and here, taking one away in a really tight, hard-fought game?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: I think I struggled a little bit at the beginning, so it tells me I can really come back from it. I've always known I'm a back nine player, and that definitely came into effect today.

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121901-2-1041 2022-06-19 23:48:00 GMT

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