Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jasmine Suwannapura

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jasmine Suwannapura. 4-under day today. Walk me through what was working so well for you out there today.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I think my driver been pretty good and I had a lot of opportunity to go for the pin, like, you know, because -- well, the first three holes we had rain.

It was a little bit wet and I got lucky a couple holes and make some putts today.

Q. When the rain came this morning, we've heard it's been very dry in Grand Rapids the last couple weeks, did that affect the game plan going into today?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yes, because I practice on Tuesday but only play nine holes because we play four weeks in a row. I'm like, yeah, we play here before many times.

So the back nine I kind of like question mark, like how much the greens going to roll and how firm it's going to be with the rain.

But overall, I'm happy with the result.

Q. When you have so many weeks in a row and you have to game plan your schedule, coming back to a course you played multiple times before, where is the comfortability level here at Blythefield?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I mean, even though you play the same course every year, the condition of course is different, the weather is different, so you have to be a little bit of creative to be playing the course, because every day is different wind direction and stuff.

But comforting things about this is because we play here before and kind of know where to go. Some of the hole they have the bunker and I'm like, okay, where did that tree go, you know, on that par-5. I guess they have a really bad storm come in here.

Q. What hole was that?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I believe it's Aon hole.

Q. 14, yeah.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, that hole. The tree is gone and I'm like, oh, it's way open now. Used to be pretty close to each other so when you trying to hit the second shot you were like really close to the tree.

Q. It led to a birdie for you, so no matter what...


Q. Did you make long putts those first two birdies? Were those longer putts?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I would say about 15 foot for birdie on third hole -- I mean second hole.

Q. Second hole. And then the par-5, same?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, par-5 is closer, maybe like seven, eight foot.

Q. Okay. The scoring here is usually pretty good. I think it's been 20-under or more three of the last four years. As a player, does that get you to play more aggressively early?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yes and no. Like I said, the back nine I kind of like have question mark of how the greens going to roll, how firm it is.

So if I see a opportunity I will go for it, but if not, like you don't want to make bogeys out here because every hole is a birdie opportunity for everyone because it's not like a super hard course.

It's more about short game here, too.

Q. And then ask about your game. Did you see good signs coming in that you felt good teeing it up today?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yes, definitely. Beginning of the year was not as good as that I hoping for for the result, but, you know, I had change my caddie and, you know, changing new clubs beginning of the year.

And finally the result is getting better for the last three weeks until now, so I'm happy to see it. You know, everything is kind of like positive. My caddie, everything vibes going positive.

So I hope that the rest of the week the golf course will be nice to me and let me have some birdie dropping here and there.

Q. I like the whole vibe and you talking about the change from the beginning of the season to now. We are almost halfway through the year. It's kind of sped up on us. What are some of those changes that you made? You talk about equipment. What have they done for your confidence heading into an event like that that you've been to multiple times before?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, I think beginning of the season I think we have a little bit of longer off-season and I'm kind of like -- I mean, I did practice. I practice a lot.

The mojo was not there, let's say. It's hard to describe, but since the last three, four weeks I feel like I got my mojo back. I got more comfortable with my game, more confidence with my putting.

I change the putter from like, you know, two, three of them, and then I literally carry like three putter with me.

Q. You carry three putters?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, right now, but then since I play better the last three weeks I'm like -- he's like stick with this one. Don't change it. Don't even think about the other three whatsoever. So I'm just going to keep using this putter and I feel good.

I pick it up at Liberty National.

Q. What putter is it?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: It was the Toulon -- I don't know. I'm not sure what's the exactly called.

Q. So like a blade style?


Q. Mallet?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Mallet, yeah. And then I was talking to Amy Yang for a little bit, we practice together, and she was like, you putter seems a little bit too light. So I did change that and make my putter heavier, because I always love -- I love heavy putter.

Q. Interesting.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, so that's better for me.

Q. What does bringing the three putters do?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Not much, to be honest. (Laughter.) Because, you know, I mean, we were looking for something different and I was trying to compare between this, this, and this.

There is mallet and not mallet and center shaft. I'm like, I don't know. I'm just trying to find my mojo back. At Liberty National I was trying to get the other one, fix it to make it heavier. I'm like waiting on the green, okay, I'll just grab it and try this one.

I'm like, okay. And then when Callaway rep come towards me, I'm like, can you do this one, too? I like this one better. You know, he's like, yeah, we'll do.

And then I doing the putting between the one that he do before and the one that I pick it up, and I take the one and I just pick it up.

Q. And here we are now.


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