Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Lindsey Weaver-Wright

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Lindsey coming out of a really tough group there. 6-under, and you and Maddie and Carlota, 4-under as well. Walk us through coming off 18 like that?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yes, from the very first hole everyone was making birdies, so, yeah, I think we all kind of pushed each other in a positive direction. We all made birdies all day.

So, yeah, just pushed each other to play better.

Q. Eagle on 8 probably the difference there. Just talk us through that hole and what you saw.

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I was kind of in between clubs. I hit a 7-wood into the green and carried that left bunker thankfully.

On the green I had like 30 feet and made a long one there.

Q. Obviously an eagle is great. What was it consistently today that was really working for you?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, just hit a lot of greens. I think I hit 16 and was putting from one of them, so really consistent ball striking.

I hit it close and made a lot of opportunities that I did have, which made all the difference.

Q. Difference here for you, I mean, 66 is your best score here. What was the difference today compared to being here in the past?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: I don't know. I have always liked coming to this course. I think it suits my game decently. I know if you just hit some greens, give yourself good approaches that -- I like these greens so I feel confident in my putting this week.

They're a little firmer than in the past, so kind of had to adjust for that beginning of the week. Yeah, it's a great golf course and I think it just is well set up.

Q. My question is about Rose Zhang. I know she's not here today, but when someone comes onto the scene as young as she is, talk about that a little bit.

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I think it's really inspiring for everybody, all girls in the game of golf.

Q. To be at the top of the leaderboard after day one, how do you feel about that? How does that set you up for tomorrow?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I feel good. I mean, doesn't happen very often or hasn't for me quite yet. Always feels good to shoot a low one coming out and gain some confidence going into Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Yeah, feel good.

Q. Take us through that good start, early birdies that kind of got you going.

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, so the other two girls in my group both birdied 10, our first hole. I was like, okay, that's how it's going to be. I can tell.

So I made kind of a longer putt on 11 and Maddie birdied 11 too, and then I hit it pretty close on 12. It was like a foot maybe, maybe two feet.

Q. What did you hit in there?


Q. 9-iron.

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: And then hit a good shot on the par-3 and made like a six-footer for birdie on 14.

Just missed on 16.

Made bogey on 17.

Hit a good 7-wood into the green on 18. Had like 12 foot so easy birdie.

Q. Do you feel all the pieces are in place for the first win out here? How much does that motivate you to get the win?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: I try not to really like think about it in those terms. If I just put in the work and keep going on the momentum that I've had this year and the positives I think everything just kind of it falls into place itself. I am not specifically thinking about winning or good finishes. It's more process driven.

Q. This tournament is always on Father's Day weekend. Is there something special about that and playing on Father's Day? Is that something you've shared?

LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I think it's awesome that we always play this tournament on Father's Day. My aunt and uncle are coming down to watch me, so it's nice that they do that.

And, yeah, my dad got me into the game, so obviously it's important to me to play well on Father's Day to make him happy, give him a little gift there.

So, yeah, I think it's fun.

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