Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes


Q. All right, Al, 67 today. Just walking away from Blythefield on the first day here, what was the game plan and how do you feel you did?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, the rain got away on the first tee just in time, so got off to a good start. If you hit solid golf shots here you can make some birdies, so I just stuck with a good game plan and tried to give myself a lot of looks and was able to convert some longer putts early on, which just kind of rode some momentum.

And yeah, solid opening day. Very satisfied.

Q. What were some of the longer putts you were talking about?

ALLY EWING: I think I made like a 30-, 35-footer on the second hole.

My next putt, maybe I think it was like a 17-footer.

Then I made another 30-footer.

Then like a six-footer.

So 4-under through 8, feeling pretty solid.

No. 9 a three-putt got away from me, 60-footer. Stuff like that happens, but playing solid golf so knew I would give myself more opportunities.

Q. This is definitely a course that by the end of the week we see some pretty low scores. To walk away from day one with a 67 the way you did, how satisfying is it knowing this is a course where a bogey feels like a loss, more of a loss?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think just like the mindset of giving yourself a lot of looks. It's hard to have a bogey-free round. It's possible. But at the same time it's not debilitating to know that if you keep giving yourself looks your convert them.

It's a patience game. Tomorrow can be completely different. It might be a grind. You just don't know, so it's just one hole, one shot at a time and take advantage of looks when you get them.

Q. What did you take from what you were doing well today's you look ahead to tomorrow?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I just felt like I gained some confidence around the greens, made some putts. Not necessarily putts you look to make. You're just trying to execute good putts with good speed.

So I felt like I drove it pretty well. I had maybe one our two drives that got away from me. If you drive it in the fairway here and give yourself chances to hit good approach shots, roll in some putts, you're hopeful that you can put a good round together.

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