Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Frida Kinhult

Quick Quotes

Q. We're here with Frida, coming off a tie for the lead heading into Day 2. What was the game plan coming into today and how do you feel you did?

FRIDA KINHULT: I'm happy with the score. Obviously a good start to the week, but a lot of golf left. Good day, tried to play pretty aggressive, and it seemed to work out.

Still didn't really take advantage of the par-5s out here, which I'm hoping to do the next three days, but happy with the start and looking forward to the rest of the week.

Q. With a course that typically sees a lot of lower scores, having a round with no bogeys, that kind of feels like it's more of a loss than it normally is, what can you take away from that?

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, it's one of these courses where it's pretty gettable. Going into this week you kind of have to have the mindset of low score, and yeah, have fun and just try to make as many birdies as possible because it's gettable and people are going to make birdies out there.

It's definitely an aggressive game plan course, so we'll just try to stay with that and go for it.

Q. Is it one of those days, is it more I'm happy with the score, or do you think of the 5s that if you take care of those, it could be a really crazy day?

FRIDA KINHULT: You know, I'm always happy with the score, but in the back of my head I always think I could do more with the par-5s. I guess that's a positive thing, to see more potential in there. But I'm definitely very happy with the score.

Q. What did you feel you did best today?

FRIDA KINHULT: I guess I was just sticking to my game plan, keeping the aggressive game plan all day, and then just trying to have fun and be patient out there.

Q. What specifically is it about the 5s that you can do better?

FRIDA KINHULT: I mean, especially two of the par-5s are gettable in two, so I feel like level par on the par-5s on this course should do better, but again, I have three more rounds of par-5s, so I feel like I can take care of that the next three days.

Q. When the temperature drops as quickly as it did today, this afternoon, what adjustments did you have to make in your game?

FRIDA KINHULT: It felt like home, felt like Sweden. Obviously the ball might be flying a little bit shorter. Just beware of the wind. It was a little bit more wind towards the end, and temperature dropped to make it a little shorter, but nothing crazy.

Q. When you look at your birdies today, are there one or two highlights?

FRIDA KINHULT: Well, the par-5s I could have done better. I need to think about which ones I did.

Q. A couple 2s on the card.

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, I had a couple just tap-in birdies, which is always fun and comfortable. I drilled like a 16, 17-footer probably, which is always nice to see drop.

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133977-1-1041 2023-06-15 22:58:00 GMT

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