Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 16, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Frida Kinhult

Quick Quotes

Q. We're here with Frida. Just talk us through the round today, maybe some differences between day one and today.

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, I played the par-5s better today than yesterday, which was one of the main goals. But I forgot a little about the other holes. Made a couple silly mistakes. Had three short putts that I missed. I think three tee shots where I had to chip out or couldn't really get to the pin.

So left plenty of short shots out there, but still managed to battle through, get a red score, and still hanging in there.

Q. You had the eagle on 4. Walk us through that hole and if that kind of carried you -- you birdied it later on on the front as well. On 8, did that kind of help you even out?

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, like I didn't really get the momentum going early, and then on 3 I missed like a three-, four-footer. So it was one of those pissed off long drives on 4, so made it possible to go for it in two. So maybe it was good that I missed the three-footer.

Yeah, no, and then got all the way back to the pin and had a chip shot and made it from the right side of the green, so I was happy. So just get some positive energy from that and get going a little bit more.

And then a sand save on No. 8 for another birdie, so, yeah, happy about my battle.

Q. What's the mindset as you prepare to make the cut and head into the weekend?

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, no, keep being aggressive. Again, I haven't really checked the scores yet either today but it's probably going to be pretty low.

I need to just push hard and get plenty of birdies this weekend to be up there. It's one of the courses where you can make it happen, so I'm excited for it.

Q. This course you can get aggressive and make birdies. When it wasn't going great out there, what's it like trying to get some momentum?

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, no, it was frustrating. I just couldn't find its weak spot, and it went just a little bit all over the place. I still like hit the greens but 30-, 40-footers. Didn't really have the speed on the greens today. Felt it was a little bit slower out there.

So left a couple short and had testers for par and it was mentally frustrating, but then holing that chip and get going a little bit more at the end, so that was fun.

Q. How far do you think the chip was?

FRIDA KINHULT: It was 28 meters. So what that's, 31 yards?

Q. What would help you take care of the par-5s a little better? Better positions off the tee?

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, definitely better position off the tee.

I was able to go for 14 in two.

8 didn't get to the green but I was up there.

Same with 4.

18 I was a little bit off from the tee so I had to play out.

But at least I guess I guess it's 3- or 4-under so that's good.

Q. What's the overall excitement level putting yourself in a really good position for the weekend?

FRIDA KINHULT: Yeah, no, it's good. Even if it's uncomfortable sometimes being nervous and having that heart rate going, that's where we want to be, so just excited to hopefully be a little uncomfortable this weekend and be up there.

So it's going to be fun.

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