Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 16, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Amy Yang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Amy Yang. Amy, an impressive performance today; 5-under; you now sit 10-under after two rounds here. What are you liking most about this tournament in Grand Rapids?

AMY YANG: The whole golf course. I enjoy it so much all this week. My ball striking has been really solid last two rounds, and just being out here, just enjoying being out here.

Q. What do you like most about this golf course specifically?

AMY YANG: I like the layout, the new layout as well. Just a lot of good things. I can't just pick one or two.

Q. Walk me through today's round. Impressive performance especially on your first couple holes, those four birdies number 1 through 9. What was working so well. I think that was your back nine? You started on 10.

AMY YANG: Yeah, my back nine.

Q. Yeah. So your back nine, really taking advantage of those holes, what was working so well on the back nine?

AMY YANG: Yeah, like I said, my ball striking was really good. This course if you don't have a good ball striking, especially off the tee, can be blocked by trees and that can cause your second shots little harder to reach the green.

I've been placing my balls right on the right path, like correct side of the fairway, and that gave me a good chance to go for the pins.

Putting have been working well together.

So just everything worked well.

Q. Four out of five of the leaders right now are from countries outside of America. What does it speak to the global influence and strength that golf carries?

AMY YANG: I mean, golf, it's been a while, right? It's growing a lot and it's great to see all the players from different countries, and you know, believe it's going to keep grow.

Q. Seemed like a very patient round today and then you had the great finish. Was there one shot or one thing that really got you going for that closing stretch?

AMY YANG: I would say overall like I've been hitting good. I know my front nine three holes there was no birdies, but I still patient all throughout the round.

I think making putts when I had chances out there on the front nine, which is back nine for me, was -- it gave me good momentum throughout the round, yeah.

Q. Par putts and then the birdie putts coming in?

AMY YANG: Yeah, like par save on No. 1 from the sand and also birdie putts.

Q. Was there a highlight in those four birdies coming in?

AMY YANG: Uh-huh.

Q. What was your best one?

AMY YANG: I can't really think. (Laughter.)

Q. Were they just all close to the pin or were there any longer birdie putts out there?

AMY YANG: It was kind of closer, yeah. There wasn't a long putt, so tells you ball striking been really good.

Q. Exactly. This tournament is always on Father's Day weekend. What does Father's Day mean to you, especially within golf?

AMY YANG: Yeah, actually, you know, I'm from Korea, born and raised. We have Parents' Day, so we already celebrate. I celebrate with my parents earlier in May.

I don't know what to say on that question.

Q. How big of an influence has your father been?

AMY YANG: Oh, my father?

Q. And what's where you relationship like?

AMY YANG: Oh, yeah, we're really close and he sacrifice a lot for me to improve my game. He moved to Australia with me.

He was traveling with me up until like when COVID hit, so he's been always around and helping me. It means a lot.

Q. How old were you when you went to Australia?

AMY YANG: 15 years old I think. Yeah, 15 around.

Q. Why there?

AMY YANG: That was my parents' choice. I don't know.

Q. I think in general with this tournament - we just had Ayaka in it here - but in general this is a tournament where the scores are usually relatively low. What will it take in your mind with a day like tomorrow to really continue seeing your name up there at the top the leaderboard?

AMY YANG: I think -- I still think the tee balls are very important, where you place your ball on the fairway. Gives either more chance or harder to play out there, so I -- and the putting.

Q. Have you felt comfortable? I know today we've seen some impressive ball striking; you talked about feeling comfortable in that aspect. But in all parts of your game have you felt as comfortable as you do standing up there?

AMY YANG: Yeah, yeah, I am. I've been working on a lot of stuff and recently worked on my like rhythm, rhythm of my swing and it's been really helpful consistently.

Q. What have you worked on in your rhythm?

AMY YANG: Just, you know, 1, 2, 3, keep it simple out there.

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