Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 16, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Manon De Roey

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Manon, what a spectacular day out there in the second round of the Meijer LPGA Classic.

Take me through what was working so well. I want to start off, you go off No. 1, bogey. How do you readjust moving forward?

MANON DE ROEY: I think No. 1 is just a very hard hole. During the practice round I already thought I need to hit the fairway here. This green a very small. You're coming in with a wedge.

But still, yeah, haven't managed to hit the fairway, either of the greens, so, maybe in the weekend I can do that.

Yeah, overall today was very solid. I mean, I hit some really good shots in there. Created some good chances for myself. I just stayed patient throughout the whole round so I that helped I think.

Q. We saw four birdies in a row here from 7 to 10. Walk me through those and how were they memorable in your mind?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, so I didn't have any birdies before that, so I just tried to stay patient, hit good shots into some holes, and roll in some putts.

So 7, par-3, very good.

8 I think I need to take advantage of that one because it's a short hole for me. I hit an 8-iron into the green.

And then 9 was a good birdie. Tough tee shot.

10, yeah, hit is quite close so that was good.

So, yeah, just kept it going I guess.

Q. You ended up birdieing four of the five par-5s out here. How critical is it to take advantage of those holes, especially in your game?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I think -- I mean, I hit it a good distance so I think I need to take advantage of the par-5s. They're all really reachable, so that's always my goal actually in all tournaments if the par-5s are in reach.

So I think that's just a key in this tournament as well.

Q. Did you have any expectations going into today?

MANON DE ROEY: Not really. I mean, it's my first year out here on the LPGA, so I'm just trying to make cuts actually. (Laughter.)

Last week was my first cut I made, so that got me some confidence for this week. But today was just very solid, so very happy.

Q. I was about to ask, first cut made last week. As a tour rookie, what do you take away from that tournament last week as you prepare for what this summer is?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I feel like always your first cut you make it's very mentally draining I feel like, so (indiscernible) was not so good last week, but I think it gives you confidence and you know you can do it, so gives me confidence for this week. Very happy to be here.

Q. What were you working on specifically? We were just talking that this is your first time in Michigan; never seen this golf course before. A lot of our players have been here year after year after year. What was the game plan as you prepared for this week?

MANON DE ROEY: I'm actually having Gemma's caddie for these two weeks, so that's really nice. He has a lot of experience on tour so really nice to have him here for these two weeks.

I think we just make a good game plan throughout the week during the practice rounds, and I think that just -- just stick to it and, yeah.

Q. I was going to say, Gemma is adventuring through Europe right now.


Q. Is it nice to have someone who has been out here, a vet like that who knows kind of the LPGA Tour and knows the processes and everything? Has that helped you these last two weeks?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I think so. I mean, I was always like trying to have like local caddies or people I knew, but I think someone with some experience, I feel like that definitely helps out here.

So, I mean, it's been working great. Made my first cut and now I'm doing pretty good, so, yeah.

Q. What do you take away from this stellar round, so far the lowest round of the week? This is a course where you need to go low to see yourself at the top of the leaderboard and you did just that. How do you take advantage of that moving forward to the weekend?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I mean, the first step I make on this course was I really like this course. It suits my game, so I was very excited before the tournament already, so I think that just helped during the tournament as well.

Yeah, it's a course I can -- I mean you have a lot of chances here, so you just have to take advantage of that and just hit some good shots and, yeah, it will drop.

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