Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 16, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes


Q. We're with Minjee Lee. Talk about the round, what was working for you, some highlights.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, I started a little bumpy. Had two bogeys in the first three holes and followed up with a birdie, and after that I kind of got a bit of momentum. I made an eagle on 8, and after that I think I had a really pretty solid back nine.

So, yeah, I think overall it was a pretty solid day and looking forward to the weekend.

Q. We've seen a lot of great scoring opportunities on the par-5s. On the front you birdied and eagled. What have you seen out of those holes?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, those holes are quite short, so we're hitting between a hybrid or 6-iron, or even if the wind gets up probably 7-iron. I hit 6-iron in today and it was a really great shot.

Just depends I guess how bouncy the greens are going to get. We were lucky enough to not have too much wind today, so pretty much the perfect conditions to play golf.

Q. Right up there still with those at the top. What's the mindset heading into the weekend?

MINJEE LEE: I think I'm going to be pretty aggressive. You know, there is a low score out there, lower score than what we've seen probably.

I know all the girls are probably going to be pretty aggressive, too, with how nice the conditions are on the golf course.

So, yeah, no, I think wherever I can be I will be, and just try and make as many birdies as I can.

Q. I know it's not often you start off bogey, bogey. In a way did it spark you?

MINJEE LEE: You know, they were pretty soft bogeys, so if anything I was a little bit disappointed in myself for making them.

Yeah, I knew there was a lot of birdie opportunities coming up and I was just trying to stay patient and just try to use it as motivation more than getting down on myself.

Yeah, I think I did a pretty good job.

Q. What did you hit it on 8? How close?

MINJEE LEE: I hit 6-iron and it was maybe about 14 feet.

Q. Did the putter feel really good today?

MINJEE LEE: Here and there. Obviously it's poa annua. So sometimes you get a green that's rolling really nice and some of them are a little bumpier.

Just depends. Downhill it's really quick and uphill it also seems to be quick, which kind of baffles me sometimes.

But I think it's just how the poa annua is growing and what time of day you're playing. I think you just have to read the greens like when you're there and just assess it there.

Q. The birdies at 16 and 17, what did you do there?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, they were all really great shots. I hit both of them -- one I hit pitching wedge in and it was like seven feet, and the next one I hit 54-degree and that was also about seven, eight feet.

Just really solid birdies.

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