Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 16, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, to be able to birdie the last there, what did it feel like to be able to put that away after a day like today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was definitely not the start I was looking for, the rough on the front nine. Brit was doing a good job and just trying to keep me calm. Said there is lots of birdie opportunities out here.

Took a while for the birdies to fall, but it was nice to get one on 12 and then to finish 18 hitting the green in two. Took a big deep breath and said, okay, now just two-putt.

Hopefully it's good enough play the weekend, and from now on I am just going to try to go as low as I can and see if I can climb the leaderboard.

Q. It's looking like you will make the weekend with that putt. What's does it mean to be back here on the weekend at Meijer in front of family and friends, giving hugs to the little ones that are your in-laws as well?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, it's really amazing this tournament how many people come out to support us girls, and it's just so much fun to play in front of these big crowds.

I'm really fortunate that this involves a lot of personal connections to me, a lot really cute little ones and family and friends. Yeah, no, it's really important, especially that I'm playing the weekend and hopefully just play a little better now.

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