Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ariya Jutanugarn

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Ariya Jutanugarn. Ariya, a 64 yesterday; 66 today. What started clicking do you think over the past few rounds for you?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say after my first round just have no expectation. Honestly, like it's not that positive way, but after my first round thinking about, oh, maybe we get off and like prepare for the major next week.

So when you play with like not thinking about outcome and just play golf, I think that help me a lot.

Q. No one has really truly run away with this. You produced some really good scores over the past two days. Just what started working today? What did you carry from yesterday's 64 to today?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say I still miss some putt, miss some shot, but I think my goal today is like I really want to play like hole by hole. Like no matter what I make, birdie, bogey, like par, I just close the door and play next hole.

That's my goal today.

Q. You had two eagles in the past two rounds, one on 18 and another one today on the Aon Risk Reward Hole. How did you prepare for 14 today and take advantage of that par-5?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Honestly not thinking about making eagle, birdie. Just like that -- 14? Was it 14?

Q. Uh-huh.

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: No. 14 is pretty tough tee shot, so all I think I really want to hit in the fairway.

After that I have 4-iron and have like 30 feet and make the putt.

Q. What are you hitting off the tee? What are you mostly using off the tee?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: 3-wood and 2-iron.

Q. And with the par-5s here, does it really let you go after them with your length?


Q. What is the shortest club you can think of that you hit into a 5 this week?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: You mean par-5?

Q. Yeah.

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Today on 18 I hit 3-wood and pitching wedge to the green.

Q. Wow. How does your mindset change from no expectation to now being in the hunt on Sunday trying to win?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say last two days it show me lot, that when I'm not thinking about outcome and I really want to play hole by hole it's help me a lot.

So I just try to keep doing that tomorrow.

Q. Yeah, I mean, you had a great performance today. Pretty consistent all day. You put yourself in a position -- I mean, I think you're one back from the lead. What's your mindset going into tomorrow? What do you have to do to take home the trophy?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say the same thing. I feel so free today and yesterday I feel pretty good with my game, so when I have no expectation I feel I can play my best, so I'm just going to try to keep doing that.

Q. And then one more from me. When you came off today you went straight to the range, so even after an impressive 66 and a 64 you went to the range, still read a couple putts. What are you still honing in on and what are you looking for tomorrow to take from today?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I went to the range because after first round I went to the range and I shoot 8-under and then yesterday I went to the range, so I'm like oh, I should do it again today.

So I hit only five balls. That's it.

Q. I wanted to ask you a question, you and your sister played a few holes early in the week with Paige Crawford, the one who won the John Shippen here. What did you think of her game? When you meet a player that's playing tournament to tournament trying to get out here what are your thoughts on something like that?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Actually I asked her to join on No. 3. Thank you for letting me and my sister join.

I think she have really good game. I mean, I've been watch she hit some driver and iron. I think she pretty solid, yeah.

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