Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, another day, another bogey-free round for you. Just what has been working so well for you and what are you taking away from these past two days?

XIYU LIN: I had a forced week off last week because I had COVID. I actually took two weeks off.

I mean, because my game was a little weird at Founders and match play, so went back to Orlando, did some changes and talked to the coach, tried to simplify things, and I tell I'm ready for ShopRite and then I have COVID.

So I think last week I was really itching playing, that's one the biggest things, too. And plus I really love this course. I just think this course suits my game really, really well.

Yeah, and then I just go with the strategy I made, tried to keep everything simple and keep everything aggressive, and I'm glad it pays off.

Q. We're seeing those that take advantage of the par-5s this week really leap up the leaderboard. You had four birdies on the par-5s today. What is it about these last two days being able to take advantage of them that you have been able to capitalize?

XIYU LIN: I mean, even the first day, because I think after the first round I said to Dave, I feel I played really good just haven't score it. I have so many chips around the green that have chances and just miss couple short putts.

But then just like, yeah, just keep doing what we're doing, it's going to happen, and it did.

And I think -- that's why I said I think this course suits me. You need to hit fairways, and then par-5, it's reachable, but you still need to put yourself in the good spot to go for it.

Then I think I did pretty well last two days.

Q. I guess some weeks you take off because you're tired and exhausted. Last week when you were off but you really wanted to play, does it give you a different appreciation for what you do for a living?

XIYU LIN: I always do. I had that throughout COVID. I had that little talk to myself and I start to really appreciate what I've been doing.

But, yeah, I think last week was more -- like the week before when I skip Mizuho, when I do all the swing changes my coach, and really it's not really changing, but just square things out, and I was really looking forward, and I like ShopRite course, too.

But then unfortunately that happened. So, yeah, I was just itching. I looked at the score every single day. I just thinking, what can I shoot there? I just keep telling myself it's going to be good.

Because I was pretty sick, so actually skipping ShopRite, not that I want to, but it's a better decision, because even today -- like these couple days walking up the hills and I'm just slowly getting recover, so I think playing these two in a row with major next week, it's still a good plan.

So I just like tell myself, you still have all the good chances. You still going to play all the courses you like, so don't worry about it.

Q. And is this a fun course to be in the mix on Sunday? Because you're going to have to keep pushing, right, birdies and eagles?

XIYU LIN: Yeah, I mean, I have so many good memories on this tournament, like one of them, like this housing is the on housing I've been staying since was rookie season so this is 9th time I come over.

I think this course, I think in the history I have couple Top 10 and couple really good finishes. Yeah, I feel like this course, it's definitely require lots of birdie and anyone can have a chance, so I think today is try to keep up the pace. Play with Ash is pretty nice, too. We feed each other pretty good. It was a good day.

Q. You talk about the par-5s suiting your game really well. What kind of confidence does that give you going into tomorrow?

XIYU LIN: I mean, I don't know what position I'll be going, but it's like a birdie game here. It's just need to be aggressive, need to go for it.

Also needs a little bit of luck, because, you know, like they haven't finish so I don't know how many shot we going to be chasing behind or maybe we tied the lead. I don't know.

But I think I just need to play my game and I know it's going to be a close match. You going to shoot like pretty low score and like I said, that needs a little bit of luck.

But I just going to try my best and see what happened.

Q. When you're able to shoot the rounds like you have over the past three days, that's got to give you some confidence. What's the mindset, game plan going into tomorrow that maybe going into the last few weeks wasn't there?

XIYU LIN: I'm going to enjoy it, like I said. The biggest changes I make a simplify the whole process, and my whole thoughts and everything, even shots, like putts, like chips and everything just become simple.

I think it's been working. I enjoy a little bit more even I miss-hit some shot and I am very like -- I was very happy on the course last three rounds, so I just going to enjoy all these and, you know, like this -- everything pays off is even a bonus because I feel like I had a little bit down times, so I'm just kind of slowly chasing back.

Everything is in process.

Q. We've seen your name towards the top of the leaderboard over the last couple seasons here. How much do you thrive being in this kind of contention?

XIYU LIN: I started to get used to it, but, no, every time in contention is a new challenge. It's a different scenario every time.

So I feel like I'm still going to -- it's still going to be new to me I guess because it's going to ambiguous pretty packed leaderboard.

Still going to try my best. Still going to -- hopefully I get it, but if not, learn from it. I know I've been playing good and I know I definitely have a chance, so that's a good thing to think of.

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