Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Manon De Roey

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Manon, still in this after a 3-under day today. Start at the beginning, like we did yesterday. I think No. 1 has your name, has your number. What did do after 1 and 2 today to reset the mind for the rest of the round?

MANON DE ROEY: I mean, No. 1, yeah, I didn't hit the fairway again, so I'll do that tomorrow hopefully. And then I still had a chance for par but didn't make it. It's okay. I just regrouped for next hole.

And then my tee shot on the second went a bit right so I had the tree in there. I went over the tree and thought it was good, but it bounced just to the left. A bit unlucky.

But I feel like I just have to stay patient out there like yesterday. There are so many good holes coming up, so I know I could get some back.

Q. Both days, yesterday and today, once you reached that par-3 seventh you really kind of jump started the rest of the round. What happens around those holes and what is most familiar to you?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I don't really know why 7 is like the hole to start making birdies. Had a good shot in there again. I birdied it three days, I think -- no, two days.

But, yeah, and then the par-5 coming up, I know I can always take a chance on that one.

I feel like the rest of the holes are quite good, lots of chances, so, yeah, I was excited.

Q. To birdie 16 and 17, I know not a birdie on 18, but to have two birdies in the last three holes, what does that do for your confidence heading into tomorrow?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, always try to finish strong, so I know 18 is a good birdie hole. I had a chance but I miss it.

16 was a great birdie. Tough green. You don't see anything.

So 16 and 17 birdie, that was great. I birdie 17 also like three times already.

Q. Uh-huh.

MANON DE ROEY: So it's my hole as well. No, I'm very excited about my round. Even though I had a slow start, I still got it back.

Q. What did you hit in and how close on 16 and 17?

MANON DE ROEY: On 16 I had 117 meters, so I had like a small pitching wedge and I holed like a seven-meter putt or something.

17 I only had 90 meters in so 56 degree; close.

Q. Close?


Q. What's the excitement level of giving yourself a chance to make a run tomorrow?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I mean, everything I did this week, it already like -- it's just a great tournament. I'm really proud of myself, how I handle myself out there, so I'm just going to do my best tomorrow and see where I can finish up.

Q. You had three birdies in your final five holes. Especially after the slow start, how did your mindset flip to getting yourself back into contention for tomorrow?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I mean, I feel like this course has like a lot of good chances coming in, so you just have to take advantage of that a little bit.

I know I can make a lot of birdies out here. The par-5s are reachable. So I just need to take my chances and that's kind of what I did.

Q. When you're going into tomorrow, you've won on the Ladies European Tour, you have winning experience. What do you draw on going into a final round in contention like today?

MANON DE ROEY: I feel like I just have to do the same thing as I did last few days. I mean, yeah, I know how it feels to win a tournament, but not out here yet. I feel like I might you have a few nerves. With Paul on my side it's a good match. He's calming me down and makes funny jokes, so that will be fun tomorrow.

Q. How exciting is it for you to be in contention here on the LPGA Tour? I mean, you made your first cut of the year last week, and then to come here and finally feel this groove, how exciting, what are the emotions you feel other than nerves?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, super excited. I know I belong out here. I mean, I wanted to be good in Europe before coming out here, so I kind of did that. And I know I can do this. I know I can handle this level, so it's just a matter of time I think. Yeah.

Q. You always got to believe in yourself I feel like?

MANON DE ROEY: Yes, exactly.

Q. When you won in Europe did you have the lead or come from behind?

MANON DE ROEY: I was behind, but I had 6-under the last round. I was really in the zone there. Everything just dropped and I made a lot of long putts there. So, maybe tomorrow.

Q. Is this kind of a fun course to chase because you almost have to be aggressive out here, right?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I think this is a really good -- it's a really cool course. I mean, there are lots of birdie opportunities out there and I feel like everyone is going to go low. I feel like on this tour people make a lot of putts anyway.

That's kind of my task tomorrow, to go low on the first hole hopefully.

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