Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Amy Yang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Amy Yang. 67 seems to be your lucky number this week. Three 67s in a row. What was working so well on this moving day for you?

AMY YANG: I'm going to say ball striking. All this week the ball striking, the tempo has improve, like better and consistent out there.

It's just all about like if I make a like a good tee ball, being on the like correct side of the fairway makes it much easier to go for the pin.

You know, just keep giving myself a good chance out there.

Q. I want to start at this front nine. You had three birdies on your first nine holes. What was it about getting -- were you aggressive early? Did you feel like you had to be aggressive early knowing the birdie opportunities were out there?

AMY YANG: No, you know, I was actually more like try to be more like patient but like free out there, more relaxed.

If I get a chance, I'll go for it. Other than like in between shots, I'll try to get loose and enjoy the moment. That's what I was trying to do.

Q. What happened on the birdies on the front nine?

AMY YANG: Where did I make --

Q. 4, 6, and 8. You birdied two of the par-5s. Let's focus on the par-5s. How did you capitalize on those?

AMY YANG: Oh, yeah, that was a tough pin, yeah.

Three good shots and I hit it close, like to four feet, and gave myself good chance for birdie, yeah.

Q. When you made the turn you had those two kind of stumbles on 11 and 13. What happened there and how do you regroup to be able to close the way that you did?

AMY YANG: Yeah, I miss-manage my putting speed on that green. Both of them had a little downslope towards the cup so thought it will trickle down but it didn't, so I left myself like four feet both times, par putts.

You know, everybody makes mistakes out there, and, you know, I just tried to be, it's okay, tell myself be patient and try to make couple more coming in.

Q. And that's exactly what you did. You say ball striking has been a big key this week. Is it mostly driving the ball or what have you been waiting to see with your ball striking?

AMY YANG: Just recently like found out my swing tempo was on and off. You know, I was always try to swinging a little bit smoother, but I found myself like swinging sometimes too fast, and I lost my like swing tempo out there. That causes like balls shots left and right.

What was the question again? Sorry.

Q. When you talk about ball striking, is most of the improvement you're seeing with the driving? Like you say, is it tempo where you slowed the swing down, been more consistent?

AMY YANG: Yeah, driver -- all in the bag. Even my wedges and obviously driver, they have been really solid all week.

Q. You've won on the LPGA several times. How important is it to win in the U.S.? Is that a big goal?

AMY YANG: Yeah, I didn't actually thought about it. I won four times but they were all over in Asia. I want to, and I'll just keep trying my best.

Q. I was going to say, you have the experience of winning. What will you draw on tomorrow going into the final day?

AMY YANG: What I like to do is try to be calm out there instead of like get too excited and go for it.

I want to be more calm, enjoying every hole, and just do my best.

Q. Is that a different approach to the final round this year as opposed to your last win four years ago, or is it very similar?

AMY YANG: It's very similar. I always try to -- not just because I'm in contention. Like I always approach to every game like that, yeah.

Q. And before we were talking to you here, I know you walked out to the range. Even after coming off with the lead, still going out. What are you dialing in? What are you refocusing on heading into tomorrow?

AMY YANG: Again, it's just tempo. I just want to have the best of the week, I want to have it for tomorrow as well. Just few balls. Not a lot.

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