Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ayaka Furue

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Ayaka. Very interesting back nine for you. What were some of the differences today on the front nine as compared to your last nine holes?

AYAKA FURUE: Yeah, I'm not satisfied with my shots and putt as well on the back nine. Yeah, that's the one thing I'm kind of like, yeah, feel so bad.

Q. You still had birdies on 15, and to close with a birdie on 18, what was working well on those two holes?

AYAKA FURUE: Yeah, I had a bogey on the 13th hole and then I couldn't make it on the 14th hole, which was a par-5.

Yeah, that's why I could kind of like keep motivated or like I wanted to make birdie on the 15th hole.

And then 18th hole, yeah, I just was happy to have, yeah, a birdie on the 18th hole.

Q. How much did that help your confidence after the way the few holes before had gone?

AYAKA FURUE: Yeah, I just kind of like feel regret not to get over putting, like good shot, so that was kind of like, yeah, I feel kind of regret.

Q. And then despite having the bogeys near the end there, what kind of -- what do you have to do tomorrow to come out with a victory? What's the mindset?

AYAKA FURUE: I don't have to feel kind of like to make -- not to make bogeys like tomorrow. I mean, I didn't get any -- I did get the three bogeys today, and if I did get bogeys today I feel like I should not have to get any bogeys tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, I got some bogeys today so I didn't feel kind of like -- yeah, I can feel relaxed to get bogeys, yeah.

Q. There is no pressure; is that what you mean?


Q. There is no pressure to be bogey-free because got them out of the way; is that what you mean?

AYAKA FURUE: Yeah. Thank you.

Q. No worries. One more from me. You have won on tour before. You've come from behind before to win on tour. What will you take from today going into the final day tomorrow? What do you draw from?

AYAKA FURUE: I just want to play aggressively because, yeah, and I want to have as many birdies as I can tomorrow.

Q. And then what are the positives you take away from today and what do you work on heading into tomorrow?

AYAKA FURUE: I couldn't keep my first place today, but, yeah, I just keep going on and keep playing my golf. Yeah.

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