Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jasmine Suwannapura

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, we're here with Jasmine. Just talk about your weekend and your experience here the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give.

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, this week is always have, you know, good (indiscernible) for me because, you know, I always play well here. I remember every time I come back here on No. 3 or on par-4 that I holed out from the fairway.

So it's all good memories. You know, finally my game is getting better and result coming out, and definitely feel a lot better about my golf game right now.

Q. What is it about this course that, as you said, seems to bring out some of your best play?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I think the key is my driver is pretty good. Hit a lot of fairway and then I had a lot of the chance to go for green, and my putting has been working better and better and I had a lot of the chance to make birdie.

You know, things just drop and then here we are.

Q. What was the mindset heading into today? In contention at the top there; what was the mindset?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, I have to take a look at the leaderboard and I saw that, yeah, I'm up there around top 15, top 12.

All I think is, you know, some of the hole that needs to make birdie, I have to make birdie so I can keep my spot up there.

But then when I make birdie from par-4, par-3, it's like a bonus for me. I'm like, okay, let's get it going.

Finally I make two, three in the end and finish, I don't know, Top 10. I'm not sure where, but I'm happy with the result.

Q. Top 5.


Q. Top 5 finish here; KPMG on the horizon. What can you take from this week into next week?

JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I think the positive about my game, the vibe about the whole thing, hit a lot of good shots, make a lot of good putts, and just keep it going and be positive.

I know the course will be tougher next week. But, you know, just keep playing my game and the result will come out like this week.

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