Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Jennifer Kupcho

Quick Quotes

Q. Top 5 finish for Jennifer Kupcho here at the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give. Talk about the start you had today and especially that ace on 5.

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, started really well. Definitely kick started the round with an ace. It's kind of interesting that actually the player before me shanked it and I ended up holing it. It's kind of interesting. That's usually not what happens.

So started out really well and just didn't follow it through.

Q. What was the club there?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Pitching wedge.

Q. Usually when you have a deficit you would chip away into it; you flipped it so fast and had the lead. Was that a little shocking to the system?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Not really. I mean, I kind of went into today thinking if I shot 7-under that would leave me at 19, give me a pretty good shot at possibly a playoff.

So didn't really matter how I got there. That's really all I was focusing on.

Q. Gave you some momentum right away and you had a few good holes and then it started to slip slightly away. What happened there on the back stretch?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Honestly, we got put on the clock and I don't play well on the clock. It is what it is.

Eventually I'll figure it out hopefully.

Q. What do you take away from -- obviously great tournament still. I know a little disappointing to not defend, but how do you feel about the whole week?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Yeah, I played really well. A lot better than the first time I defended, so it's nice to at least know that I can back up a good year last year with a good year this year.

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